Chapter 7

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Dialogue and Language

John and Alexander made it to the Doctors, John's symptoms started getting worse by the minute. "Maybe, I have the stomach flu babe I don't think this is necessary..." John said to his nervous boyfriend, "I'm just making sure, peaches. I'm trying to be a good boyfriend or the man of your dreams..." Alexander exhaled, John, looked at the distressed man and smiled at him, "hey," he said catching his attention.

"You are the man of my dreams, and you're the best boyfriend I ever had," He pecked his lips, "so after this, we should go shopping for more stuff for Christmas?" Alexander said looking at the love of his life, John giggled, "yes, Lexi.." he said opening the car door and getting out.

Once he stepped outside and his feet touched the ground, he felt a sharp pain in his ankles, making him wince in pain. "Ow, shit!" He muttered, Alexander got out of the car and helped him out of the car to go inside the building.

They walked up to the reception desk with a lady in loud colorful scrubs wearing 50s glasses scribbling words on paper, "um, hello? We're here for an appointment for John Laurens..."Alexander told the old lady in front of them, the lady look at the two couple with an attitude, which does not look good.

"Just sign this paperwork and he'll be right with you," she hands them the paperwork and went back to another nurse, gossip about something. "What's her problem?" John asked with his arms crossed over his chest. "I don't know, but I didn't like how she was looking at us..." he said as he signs the paperwork. "Why do you write like you're running out of time? I haven't noticed this till now, but.." John comments, Alexander looks back at them, "well, I'm not sure I've been writing this way ever since the hurricane in Charlestown."

"Oh, I forgot about that hurricane, and you told me about it when we were roommates..." John holding his head down.

"Hey is that you?" A random guy with a water cup in his hands, the two young men looked at the screen. Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler's engagement has been cut short due to the murder of Maria Lewis and the affair he was in with his close friend and right-hand man, John Laurens who we now found out this morning. The anchorman reported, "well isn't this great?" John said sarcastically.

"Mr. Laurens and Hamilton, Dr. Rivera is ready to see you." A nurse with blonde hair alerted them as they got up from their seats and followed the nurse, "right this way," she leads them to a room with the doctor writing something down on his sliver clipboard.

"Doctor, they're here for you." She said as she steps back so the gentlemen can come in the room, "thank you, Nurse Judy." He said with a strong Latino accent, he sits down on a small red rolling chair, "so, John? What's seems to be the problem?" He clicks his pen and was ready to write something down. John isn't a happy camper when it comes to doctors, he just gets nervous. Not to mention when his mother came to her doctor they diagnosed her with cancer, she died in May 1994 when they promised that she will live another 50 years.

"I've been, having these weird symptoms and my stomach started to have some movements and constantly growing every day, my feet start to hurt and feel like their swelling up and everything." He explained to the doctor, "Okay so what are your symptoms?" He questioned him again, "throwing up, increased appetite, I'm always hot when it's cold, and mood swings..." he added.

He writes them down and said, "well, Mr. Laurens, we just need to run some quick tests and have an ultrasound so we can see why you're having these abnormal symptoms..." he gets up and leaves, "this will only take a minute." He said as he closed the door.

"Alex, I don't like it here, I don't like doctors.." he said while looking at him with irritation, "peaches, everything will be just fine. It's almost Christmas and we're almost done with our decorations." Alexander picks John's glowing cheeks. John shrugged and turn back around.

The doctor came back with an ultrasound machine and a nurse with two cups for him to urinate in, "Okay sir, we just need you to pee in these cups and we'll use this ultrasound to see what's inside there, m'kay?" Dr. Rivera said reassuringly, John nods his head and takes the cups, and walks into a nearby restroom.

After peeing in two cups, the nurse put on the gloves and take them so the samples can be tested, "Okay, can you take off your shirt please and lay on the table, please?" He clicked some of the buttons on the machine, "but first let's feeling something before we get into the nitty-gritty."

He squirts some hand sanitizer and  pressed his hands onto his abdomen but not too hard for him to feel any discomfort, the doctor stopped at one bump, "Well this doesn't feeling like any hernia or tumor so we'll have to see with the ultrasound." He said as he put on the blue latex gloves.

John was nervous about what they're about to find, he just hopes that it isn't cancerous, "this might be cold so be prepared." He warned him as he squeezed a bottle of clear gel on his stomach, he flinched at how cold the substance was as Alexander holds his hand.

"Okay, nothing wrong here- wait for a second," he moves it on that one spot that looks like a blob of nothing but it has a tail and he saw some hands, he turns up the sound on the machine as they hear a heartbeat, "oh my god, is that-?" Alexander said before his eyes rolled in the back of his head and fainted, "ALEXANDER!" John screamed. A nurse came in with their papers, "it's positive! Sir, you're pregnant!" She giggled and jump a little in joy though she's not the one carrying a child. But she's always happy when it comes to children.

"Oh my god," he said and he repeated the words twice, "oh my goodness! Sir, are you alright?!" Nurse Judy said to the unconscious man besides John, "nurse get the smelling salt." Rivera ordered the nurse, she pulls out a bottle of smelling salt and held him up then put the salt under his nose.

The salt woke him up immediately, he jumps up from the lady's arms and hugged John, "you're having my kid! Our kid!" He cried on his shoulder, John couldn't help but cry too. A little bundle of joy was inside of him after all, and he just didn't know it yet.

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