Chapter 9

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Dialogue, language, sexual content, mild violence.
Tw: thoughts of suicide/self-harm.

Bright early morning, John wakes up to the smell of food coming from the kitchen. He took a shower and brushed his teeth, and slipped into his fuzzy brown bathrobe. But that didn't stop him from puking his guts out and have to brush his teeth again.

Today is the day to tell the crew that they're expecting, he waddled down the stairs slowly so he doesn't hurt himself. He walks into the kitchen and sees Alexander cooking pancakes and Bacon, "morning, honey!" He said as he wipes his hand with a rag.

"Mhm, you look so sexy when you're in the kitchen babe..." John mumbled as he wraps his arms around his boyfriend, Alexander put the rag on the counter. "I'm glad your imagination of me cooking for you turns you on in every way possible, here's your food..." he said as he hands him a plate.

John received the plate and stab at the island, he took a bite of the pancake, his tastebuds danced with the flavor of the warm fluffy delicacy. "this is so good, Alexander!" he praised.

"Yeah, this was my mother's secret recipe, and when Washington's adopted me, Martha used to make pancakes just how my mother used to make," he tells him, all John could do was nod and eat, which he didn't care about what was going on. He was hungry.

They ate everything up and sat the plates in the sink, "okay, we need to contact the fam so we can have this dinner and tell them about me being pregnant." John recalled, "I've already done that." he opens up the robe a little more so his bare shoulder would be out for him to prep light kisses on it.

"But the food-" John said before he was interrupted by his moans and Alexander attacking his neck, "already in the oven." he turns him around to face him.

"if you want me, we should do this in the bedroom, huh?" John said as dragged his finger on Alexander's chest, making his heart skip a beat and his breath hitched.

The Caribbean pulls the Carolinian by the waist and pressed his lips against his, he lifts his legs making the little one squeal in surprise as they go up the stairs and went inside their bedroom. John let's go of Alexander's lips and takes off the robe, he brought his lips back to his as Alexander kissed him roughly and lightly slammed him into the soft bed.

Their kiss got intense as Alexander went down on his neck and chest, "just fuck me already..." John groans, "uh? Are you sure?" he asked him. "yes, I'm sure! Just do it!" he said, practically shouted.

Alexander pressed his length inside of John's warm and tight entrance, John let out a soft moan. Alexander groaned as he let his member adjust inside of John, he moves slowly as the slow thrusts were killing the impatient John. "Faster, Alexander!" He dug his nails into his lover's skin almost breaking it as he bucks his hips.

His thrust rhythm went faster, making adoring sounds come out of John. Laurens gasped when Hamilton hit the sweet spot inside of him, he smiled devilishly and continued his rhythm but tougher and faster, "oh god! Yes, right there, Lexi!" John whined as he clawed the bedsheets.

His hips lost the rhythm as it was time for him to climax, "hold on baby, I'm almost there..." he grunts and came inside of John.

Alexander slumped over on top of John and kissed his shoulder as he looked up at him, "we might need to take a shower they're coming in like...10 minutes?" He said guessed, "why are you saying that like you're not sure when they're coming?"John asked him suspiciously.

"Maybe it's because, I don't remember the time..." he said in a rush as he runs to the bathroom and turns on the shower, "seriously?" He said irritatedly, "seriously." Alex stated as he gets in and pulls John inside with him.


Five minutes later, the doorbell rang and the gang was here, meanwhile, Alexander and John are still inside the bathroom getting ready. "Uh, here, put on this," it was Alexander's old kings' college olive sweatshirt, John remembered when they were roommates and when John would get cold in their dorm room Alexander would give him that same sweatshirt, "it'll cover the belly." He handed him the soft oversized sweatshirt.

John put on the shirt and jeans, they both made it out of the bathroom with their casual attire, Alexander opens the door and sees Peggy, Angelica, Lafayette, Hercules, and Eliza. He and his former fiancé made eye contact that was so intense, John had to break it up and speak, "hello, you guys! Eliza, didn't expect you to come..." he said shaking hands with his former enemy.

"I didn't want to because of how awkward it would be, but I've gotten over that now..." she said calmly, John nods understandably. Elizabeth looks at his face, deep down she was disgusted and threatened by his charming looks that took away Alex's attention from her when she was going to be his wife. "You have this beautiful glow on you, John. New moisturizer?" She asked, "oh, no. Just natural..." he answered.

"Okay, let's eat!" Alexander said as he leads them to the dining room.

They sat around the table filled with food and chat then drank, but everyone's conversation stopped at the sound of a fork hitting against a wine glass, they turn their heads to see who are they bringing their attention to and it was John Laurens himself.

"I have an announcement to make, me and Alexander are expecting..." he said as he looks into Alexander's eyes dreamingly, "wait what-?" John turned his head to Peggy who was confused about the whole situation. "John's pregnant, Pegs..." Angelica said to Peggy as she lays her hand on her little sister's shoulder.

"Oh," she said dumbly, Eliza rose from her chair and raised her glass of wine in the air, "a toast to the happy couple, who's now expecting a child—in their lives..." she finishes as she drinks her wine.

"Cheers." They said and finished wining and dining, John most likely had the sparkling red grape juice that had the same tendency as wine but nothing alcoholic.

Everyone went home, including Eliza, she locked herself up in her hotel next to Madison's Garden, "John took everything from me, EVERYTHING!!!" She sobbed loudly as she knocks off every object on her vanity's dresser, "now he's pregnant! He gets to have a baby with him, and me I'm all alone!" She cried mercilessly, "I don't deserve to live..."

She went inside the refrigerator that was inside the bedroom, she pulls out every alcoholic beverage that was inside of it.

Eliza pops every bottle cap of alcohol there was and started drinking as if her life depends on it, not as if she cared. She thought about cutting herself or overdosing on pills, but instead, she just drank the whole night away. Knowing that the hangover is going to be a rude awakening.

The letters and flowers he gave to her, and the way he was looking at John was the same way he looks at her, he was meant to be hers and hers only.

Without a doubt, everything turned black and she passed out on the floor.


John was wrapped up around Alexander, feeling very comfortable in his embrace but he still feels a little bit uneasy about tonight. "Don't you think we should've apologized to Eliza, we didn't hurt her pretty badly and her career is suffering from it." John said as he let Alex play in his head full of loose curls, "I know we should, but her actions of insecurity and jealousy got one of my friends killed, and almost destroy my career." Alexander said matter-factly.

"Well, I don't know. She might do something to destroy us either way..." John explains, Alexander pecked his lips and said, "I know, but I'm sure she's over it by now..." he said shrugging at the comment he made, knowing that Eliza isn't going to give up on Hamilton.

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