3. The Icecream Incident

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Clay and I continue to chat and eat. We talk about where we grew up, our families, our hobbies, our favorites and other such topics. It felt very natural, I felt comfortable and like I could tell him almost anything, even if that's cheesy, it's true. I find myself being really comfortable and enjoying Dreams company. I even forgot about the fact that I was a fan of his and he's internet famous.

"That food was soooooo good!" I say, "Thank you for bringing me here!"

"Of course. I'm really glad we did this" Clay smiles.

"Me too" I smile back.

The waiter comes back with the bill. "Don't you dare even think about reaching for your purse" Dream says.

"Too late," I say raising my arm out of my purse clutching my wallet. "We're gonna split the bill"

"No, I asked you here, I'm paying"

"Well I guess that's fair, but it's on me next time okay?"

"Deal" Dream smirks.

Ugh, I wish this date didn't have to end I think.

As if he read my mind Dream asks "Do you want to go get ice cream?"

"Hmmm, I don't know" I joke around.

"Pleaaaase?" Clay jokingly pouts.

"Oh alright." I smirk.

We head out to his car and head to the nearby ice cream parlor.


"Vanilla with sprinkles and a swirl in a bowl?"

"Thats ours!" I jump up from the seat and grab our ice cream and hand Clay his bowl, we go outside and sit on a bench.

"So I normally just go for this," I gesture to my ice cream "when at a parlor, but what ice cream do you get if you buy it at the store?"

"Ben and Jerrys Mint Chocolate cookie." Dream responds after thinking for a second."

"Yes Ben and Jerrys is great!" I say. "I normally get Milk and Cookies."

Clay and I eat our ice cream and chat a little bit before I decide to scoop some ice cream on my finger and boop it onto Clays nose while giggling.

"Hey!" he shouts " Oh no you don't." I see him load his spoon with ice cream and begin to pull it back to launch it. The second he releases it I duck. Splat. The ice cream hits a pedestrian. "Oh no oh no oh no" Dream panics. "Im so so so sorry!" He apologizes profusely handing the person napkins and a wet wipe he got from the ice cream shop. Luckily the person was kind enough to brush it off and go on with their day. The whole time I'm trying to stiffle my laughs and making eye contact with Clay who is doing the same. The second the person is out of earshot I burst out laughing and so does Clay.

"I cannot believe you did that!" I shout.

"I didn't mean too!" He says defensively, "Its your fault anyways!"

"Excuse you!?! MY fault?" I pretend to be offended with him.

"Well yeah, you're the one that ducked" Dream wheezes.

"I can't believe you're trying to blame me for that" I shake my head at him, laughing.

Both of us burst out laughing about the entire situation again.

"I'm so sorry but I have class in the morning" I say reluctantly. "We should get going Clay."

"Yeahh" Dream sighs.

He drives us back to my apartment, the car ride full of jokes and laughter and more chatting.

"I'm really glad we did this" He says as he pulls into a parking spot.

"Me too" I smile.

"Can we do it again?" He asks.

"Of course" I say, unbuckling the seat belt. I get a sudden burst of courage and lean over to give Clay a quick kiss on his cheek before hopping out the car. "Goodnight Dream."

"Goodnight y/n."

I stand at the door and watch him drive away, sighing in contentment as I walk through the door and head into my room. After dropping my purse, I begin to jump up and down and flop onto my bed, squealing into the pillow. Best. Date. Ever.

Starbucks Girl: A Dream x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now