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(Warning abuse up and rape up ahead)

'Mama look what I can do.' The 4 year old girl said as she showed her mom, her gymnastics trick while smiling.
'You did great my little sunshine.' The girls mother replied back as she continued packing. The girl frowned as she watched her mother pack.
'Mama where are you going?' The girl got on the bed as she looked at her mother.

'Sunshine mommy has to go to a different place for work with daddy. Mommy and daddy will be back soon. We just have to go somewhere for our work. We promise to be back and bring you gifts.' The girls mother looked at her daughter with a small smile. The girl smiled as she looked at her mother.
'OK mommy you promised me so keep your promise.' She jumps down from the bed but kisses her mothers cheek before leaving. She runs down the stairs to find her father, who is talking to the new nanny. She runs up to her father and hugs his leg. He looks down at the little girl and picks her up.

'Why aren't you with your mother butterfly?' The girls father smiled as he kissed her cheek.
'Mommy is packing so I wanted to see daddy.' The girl giggles as she hugs her father. After some time the girls mother comes downstairs with a butler behind her mother, as they carried the luggage's down. 'Alright sunshine, you make sure you behave and listen to the nanny. I also want you to continue practicing and keep going to daycare. Me and daddy will be back soon and we will bring you lots of gifts.' The girls mother walks up to the both of them as both her parents kiss her cheek.

Her father puts her down and walks towards the limo, that was waiting for the girls parents. The little girl waves goodbye to her parents as she frowns and soon looks at her nanny. She goes back up the stairs towards her studio for her private lessons, as they were at her house. After some time it was now time for bed so the girl leaves the studio. The girl walks towards her room and closes the door behind her. She gets in the bed as she drifts off to sleeps, while dreaming of her parents being with her. It was now the next day and the small girl wakes up for daycare. She didn't like going to daycare since the kids were rude to her.

She soon got dressed with the help of her maids as she goes downstairs. She walks towards the kitchen to eat her breakfast. After she finishes breakfast, a butler walks with the small girl to the limo for daycare. The girl gets to daycare as she walks in the room and turns towards her butler. She thanks her butler and asks him to wait outside the room while she goes in the room. The small girl runs towards her only friend that was there. She only had one friend since the others bullied her or tried to use her for money. The girl and her friend had fun but soon it was time to leave. The girls friend asks for money and the little girl says yes. After giving her friend money, it was time to go home and so the little girl went home with her butler. She got in the limo with her butler as they drove to her house. The limo soon stopped in front of her house as the girl gets down from the limo. She runs towards her house and enters her lovely home.

She goes to her room to change for her private lessons. After changing, she walks downstairs to eat her dinner before her lessons begun. After dinner she went to each of her lessons as she was told. After each lesson, the coaches or teachers would compliment her and give her pointers. After that they left as she went to her next lesson. She went up to her nanny after the lessons and asked for a drink. Her nanny scoffed and slapped the girl. The nanny called her spoiled and grabbed a glass of water. The nanny threw the water on the little girl and told her to sleep. The girl frowned but did as she was told. She got into her room and asked a maid for a bath. She didn't tell her maids or butlers what happened with her nanny. After she shower, she soon got in bed and drifted off to sleep.

Volleyball Ice Queen {Haikyuu x Fem! reader}Where stories live. Discover now