°Aoba Johsai°

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It's now Friday as you woke up early and got ready. Your butler helped you with your luggages as you put d/n in its cage. Your service dog got in the cage and your other butler put them in the limo. As your mother gave you a hug, you guys put your shoes on and headed to the limo together. You guys got in and talked on the way to the airport. Once you got there, you got down and your mother told your butlers to take your luggage's and service dog to where you drop your luggage off. Your mother got you food since you got there a hour early. You guys talked and soon it was time to go. You hugged her as you said goodbye. She started to cry as you guys hugged one last time. She said her goodbye and that she'll miss you. You watched as she left and you sighed. You would miss your mother and you knew your mother would go back to work after leaving the airport. You walked to your plane lane and waited to be called.

Once you were called, you got on the plane and showed them your ticket on your phone. You got in the plane as you sat in first class. You made sure to grab your headphone from your purse as you had your phone. You listened to music on your way to your first stop. After an hour or so you got off the plane and went to a different lane to get on a different plane. You waited for your seat to be called as you texted your mother and friends. Soon after waiting patiently you got called and showed your ticket again. You got on the second plane and got in your first class seat. You put on music again as you ended up falling asleep. After a couple hours your plane landed. You got down from the plane as you looked for your father.
'BUTTERFLY!' You heard a familiar voice yell so you looked around again. Once you stopped your father, you ran up to him and hugged him.

He knew you lost emotions cause of how you talked and acted. He told his butler to get your luggage and your service dog. You guys started to walk and talk. You smiled and got in the limo. You started to talk about how the private lessons would be and how your therapy lesson would be as well. He also told you that you and him could go to Karasuno to get your schedule today and why he signed you up for Karasuno. Karasuno was the school closest to your home. You guys got home and continued to talk while going inside your house. He had to start working soon so you decided to unpack later as you went to change. You finished and took your service dog out the cage. You and your father went to the limo as you guys got in. You put your service dog on a leash and looked out the limo window. You liked the country view as you passed buildings. The limo stopped at the gate of the school as the door up. It was the end of the day as students were leaving. You got out the limo with your father and your service dog.

You walked towards the school as you felt eyes on you and heard people whispering about you. You got your phone as you saw a text message from your coach telling you that a coach was letting you go to their practice Saturday. You texted her a thanks as you kept walking. You walked in the building as your father talked to you. You got to the office as you let your father do the talking. You texted your friends and mother as you waited for your father. Your father finished as he walked towards you and handed you the paper containing your class.
'You may wear any uniform you'd like as they are allowing you to. You may also try out for the boys volleyball team since I talked to them.' Your father said as you guys walked out the office and towards your limo.

You thanked your father as you guys headed towards the gate and to your limo. You guys got inside with your service dog and headed home. You guys talked while in the limo and he told you that you started school Wednesday so you could settle in for now. You thanked him as you got home and went inside. You walked towards your room with your service dog. As you walked into your room, you were shocked that your father barely changed your room except a few things here and there. Your room was f/c and had more furniture than it used to have. You smiled and started to unpack your luggages. Your packages would come in a few days so you weren't worried. You finished unpacking and started to set up your computer. After a few hours of that you decided to lay on your bed since you were exhausted.

Volleyball Ice Queen {Haikyuu x Fem! reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora