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"Well, what do you think?" Hobi was cleaning his apartment, cloth in hand whilst talking to Jungkook who was perched on a stool at the breakfast bar of his kitchen.

"Think about what?" Jungkook zoned out a long time ago, after Jin had popped in to discuss a night out with them, then rushed off when he heard a loud crash coming from his apartment above, presuming that Namjoon had broken something.

"The guy... what do you think about the guy?"

"What guy?"

Hobi stood staring at Jungkook, hands on hips, eyebrows raised "the guy I want to set you up with."

"I'm not interested, Hobi."

"He's a great guy though. He's funny, artistic, affectionate and good looking."

"Mmmmhmmm. You go out with him then."

"He's not my type, he's your type."

"I don't have a type. I'm too busy to date anyone."

"Busy? Doing what?"


"You don't study all the time."

"I'm working out or I'm at the company when I'm not studying."

"Lame excuse. Just one date?"

"I'm not interested, Hobi."

"Why not? He has a muscle kink and you are definitely his type."

"I... I just... I'm not interested. Busy."

"I'll set him up with Tae then. He might be interested."

"What? Why? That doesn't sound like his type."

Hobi eyed Jungkook curiously "Because it is him."

Jungkook looked confused "What is?"

"The guy... I've described Tae. When are you going to tell him?"

"Tell him what? That you want to set him up with himself?"

"Tell him that you're in love with him... when are you going to fess up?"

Jungkook could feel the panic rising in his chest and the ability to swallow was difficult as his throat constricted, he looked away "You're being stupid."

"Is that what it is?"


"So you didn't avoid Easter because he brought that guy to the meal?"

"What? No, I was busy."

"And you didn't ditch classes last month because he was ill?"

"No... I was ill too."

"So you aren't in love with him?"

"No, of course not."

"Why won't you look at me then?"

"I can." he reluctantly looked at the man who had his hands on his hips and his head tilted to one side.

"You are basically saying that I'm seeing things then? That I don't see the way you gravitate around each other, the way you instantly smile when he walks into a room, the way you completely zone out when he's talking or maybe how you won't date anyone because the one person you want to date is your best friend."

Being slammed in the face with a sledge hammer would probably be the only similar feeling right now as Jungkook stared at his friend and felt the pressure building up behind his eyes. He hadn't ever spoken to anyone about his feelings for Tae, it was something that hadn't ever been given the light of day, never saying it out loud for fear that he would sound ridiculous or that it would get back to his best friend. He thought he'd done a good job at hiding it but he was now questioning everything because if Hobi saw it, that could mean the others have seen it too and that also meant there was a chance that Tae knew. This was absolute proof that the love he had for his best friend was unrequited because if he knew then he'd never said anything so it must mean he didn't want anything more. The one thing that Jungkook had always relied on was the fact that Tae was confident in himself and had often asked guys out before so the fact that he'd never broached the subject, told him that he wasn't interested in him that way.

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