Dreams versus Reality.

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I hope you both have hangovers.

We don't but thanks for your concern.

You need to tell him the truth. Why did he lie about meeting that guy?

I don't know.

After cleaning themselves up, they settled on the sofa for the unplanned movie afternoon. Jungkook's head still felt slightly off thanks to the alcohol and further dizziness caused by the fact that his best friend was now his boyfriend. He'd showered in complete shock, running over everything in his head and squealing in a whisper into his hands so Tae didn't hear him. In between kisses they'd decided on staying in for the rest of the day and shutting the rest of the world out, which sounded so perfect to Jungkook that he thought he would die. When he got out the shower and changed, he joined Tae who was already in the lounge and he felt like a silly school boy who was quite obviously in love and very shy all of a sudden. It was a bit awkward when they just grinned at each other goofily before Tae made the move and kissed him, sending him spiralling into his own soppiness even more. His heart rate was yet to calm down because now he was sitting next to his boyfriend who was stroking his thigh with his fingers and the phrase 'living the dream' couldn't have been more appropriate.

"I can't believe Hobi knew but it does explain a lot." Tae said, unable to stop touching his boyfriend... his actual best friend who was now his boyfriend, who he thought he'd lost forever when he was pushing him to his limits earlier.

"He deserves to be played with after some of the stunts he's pulled." Jungkook said, placing his hand over Tae's and stroking his knuckles.

"You must admit though, that getting me to watch 50 Shades was funny?"

"It wasn't. That will be the only time I will be grateful for alcohol."

"Having sex with you was better than what we saw anyway."

Jungkook turned to his right to look at Tae "It was?"

"Yes it was. You were right about that movie."

"I'm pleased I fell asleep." he hoped his cheeks weren't as red as he felt they were.

"I'm pleased you fell asleep. It was the only chance I got to hold you in the way that I wanted to." the admission was a bold one but he didn't want to hold back anymore, it was withholding their feelings that created the situation they were in in the first place.

"I don't have to be asleep any more for you to do that."

Tae reached up with his right hand and placed it gently on the side of Jungkook's face, turning him towards him and leaning in to slot their lips together. They leaned against the back of the sofa as they kissed, mouths moving lazily so they could enjoy the taste of each other. He couldn't pinpoint the feelings rushing around his system, so much time had been spent wanting this and trying to make it happen. While they were showering and changing, he'd thought about the shouting just a couple of hours before, how he hadn't planned for it to turn into a yelling match but there wasn't much room for manoeuvre when his best friend was refusing to be honest. That was probably the first actual row they'd had and it was ironic that it was because they were both as scared and in love as each other.

Having a hard-on around Jungkook was something he'd had to become accustomed to since he connected the dots and came to the realisation that his feelings were not platonic but now it would be even more of a struggle because he could have him and he didn't know if they were compatible when it came to sex drives. He didn't know a lot about Jungkook sexually because his best friend didn't discuss it and now he knew why but that didn't ease the concern that he wasn't as sexually driven as Tae was. Tae was the type who thought with his cock a lot, he felt the stir in his pants before it registered in his brain and he wasn't ever afraid to go after it... unless the object of his affection was his best friend, of course. He was the very definition of a power bottom at times, taking what he wanted and he wasn't shy to tell someone what he desired and how he desired it. He often clashed with those guys who were solely dominant tops because they wanted complete control and as much as that was okay from time to time, it didn't suit Tae's confidence level, many guys presuming he was submissive because his preference was to receive. That stirring in his pants was evident now as he traced Jungkook's lips with his tongue, his hand drifting from his face to his neck, then his chest. Tae mewled when he felt the pecs of his best friend under his palm, he was so turned on just by touching him that he didn't know how he was going to survive.

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