Two Halves Make A Whole

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"I'm going to work out and then I'm going to Hobi's for coffee. He's been on at me since the other night."

Jungkook was unsure how he was going to tell Hobi and before the text inviting him for coffee, they'd planned on getting the group together to tell them as a whole.

"Can I watch you work out?" Tae hadn't seen Jungkook do any exercise since the nearly kiss that felt like ages ago.

"You aren't even going to pretend that you want to lift weights now?"

"No, I'm just going to straight up tell you that I want to watch you exert yourself."

Jungkook grinned and shook his head "Do you have to watch me, watch me?"

"What does that mean?"

"Well, it's a bit off-putting when you're staring at me."

"But you are fit. What else can I do?"

"Look away every now and again?"

"Deal! I will try."

They went to Jungkook's room and after a jog on the treadmill to warm up, he did squats with kettlebells and then settled on the bench to lift weights. Tae really had been trying to look away but his boyfriend was getting more sweaty and his thigh muscles had been bulging when he was squatting and the noises he was making were all getting too much. He'd tried to sit still too, it was a challenge not to fidget when his dick reacted to everything happening in front of him. Tae was giving himself an imaginary gold star for surviving the workout when Jungkook rested the weights in the cradle above his head. He thought he should reward himself for staying in one place and not disturbing his boyfriend, so he went over to him and straddled him. Jungkook was out of breath and his chest was expanding and deflating, there were sweat patches on his vest and his skin glistened. He smiled at Tae who bent down and kissed him.

"I know I didn't do so well at not staring but I was good, right?"

Jungkook reached up and cupped the side of his face "Tae, you were staring at me the entire time or at least every time I looked over."

"I know, I know, I did say that the not staring didn't go so well but I was good, right?" Tae felt a bit like he was a child looking for praise but he really did want to be praised by Jungkook, the imaginary gold star wasn't enough.

Jungkook placed his other hand on the side of Tae's face and pulled him down, he ghosted his lips over his and swallowed the exhale that left his mouth "What about the fidgeting? It was quite distracting."

"Oh, that."

"Does that make you a good boy?"

Tae looked at how serious his boyfriend looked and he was incredibly turned on by the expression but he needed to be good, he needed to prove he could be good.

He shook his head still held in Jungkook's hands "I want to be good for you."

Jungkook was never going to get used to this side of Tae. It was so strange that they both had sides to them that neither had seen but they complimented each other completely. The training came in very useful with restraint and learning to pace yourself. He found himself relying on his training a lot because right now he wanted to fuck Tae but he needed to play this out first.

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