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"Ouch! Shit!"

Jungkook was in a rush, he'd pressed snooze on his alarm which was something he never did and consequently reminded himself of why he didn't do it when he overslept and didn't have time for a shower. He'd now stubbed his toe and was hopping around the lounge looking for his other shoe which he could've sworn he'd left by the door.

"Are you okay?" Tae asked bleary eyed and wandering around with his pyjama bottoms hanging low enough to ensure Jungkook stubbed his other toe because he was totally distracted and didn't see how close to the sofa he was.

"Fuck! Shit! Owwwwwww!!"

Tae snickered because what else would a best friend do when his partner in crime was making such a comedic scene right in front of him?

"Don't laugh." Jungkook protested.

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you."

"You might have failed to notice that I am not laughing."

"I simply overlooked that part." Tae said, closing the fridge and pouring himself a glass of fruit juice.

"I'm late, I overslept and I need to hand this assignment in before heading to work. There's post for you on the worktop and I will see you later, I might go to the gym after work."

Jungkook had one more assignment to hand in and then he was finished, hopefully it would be the end of his study days. Tae sat his last exam two days ago so he was officially free after being told he would pass, possibly with a distinction but that would depend on his exam. Jungkook had planned to be there this morning when he opened his card but things hadn't gone to plan and he was cursing and rushing out the door as he heard Tae tear open the envelope.

The door slammed shut and Tae was still giggling as he pulled the card from the envelope, wondering what the occasion was this time. There were a few more paper hearts than usual and they fluttered to the ground as he read the card congratulating him on finishing his course and wishing him well with his future endeavours. He went to his room to pin the card on the giant cork board he'd fixed to his wall when they moved in. There wasn't much cork to cover now, thanks to the large number of cards he'd been sent. They always cheered him up and served as a reminder that someone, somewhere was thinking of him, which was a comforting thought whatever his mood. He searched for a pin but couldn't find one and the box he put the half a hearts in was overflowing so he cursed himself for forgetting to look around for a bigger container.

He sent Jungkook a text:

Can I grab a pin out of your room? Is it locked?

He slipped his phone in his pocket and emptied out one of his drawers onto the floor in search of a drawing pin. He knew he had some, he'd bought a whole pot not so long ago but couldn't remember where he'd put them. Jungkook had a big cork board too, but he used his to pin up his workouts and weekly schedule to, because he was super organised most of the time unlike Tae who tended to operate by the seat of his pants most days. He huffed when he'd rummaged through the mess that was all over the rug in his room and hadn't found the blue box that he knew held the drawing pins he'd bought. He grabbed handfuls of the miscellaneous items and threw them back in the drawer, checking his phone and huffing again when there was no reply from Jungkook. The drawer slid back in easily, which was a relief and he removed the second drawer, tipping that out over his rug too. Halfway through searching, he considered how much easier it would be if he just went to look in Jungkook's room because he was bored of searching and he needed to spend time running through the script for the audition he had coming up. He checked his phone once more and conceived that Jungkook was probably at work and his phone was therefore locked away in his desk because the company didn't like the staff accessing their phones while working. It wasn't all bad though because they allowed the staff to access social media via their computers and they all had phones on their desks should they need to make a call.

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