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"Hurry up, Jungkookie."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Tae now had more hope than ever that one day those words would be leaving Jungkook's mouth in very different circumstances, but for now he muttered I wish under his breath just as his best friend emerged from his room.

"What took you so long? You know that Jin will start moaning if we are late and then Joon backs him up and Jimin says something inappropriate which makes Hobi join in and then I roll my eyes and..."

"Tae... yes... I know."

Jungkook was trying to tear his eyes away from Tae's collarbone that was very much on display thanks to the blue denim collarless shirt that he was wearing, the top three buttons were unfastened and the hem disappeared into the waistband of the figure hugging white jeans he also had on. The belt that finished the look was a royal blue fabric with a silver buckle and Jungkook thought he looked amazing.

"You look nice, very... blue." Tae said, looking at the light wash jeans, navy t-shirt and royal blue leather jacket. He really liked it when Jungkook styled his hair so it was parted in the middle and he liked it even more when they were going out together, albeit just to their friend's apartment a couple of floors above.

"That is the theme... oh and you look nice too."

"Just ?" Tae cocked his head to one side and looked at his friend.

"Well... no... more than nice."

Tae gave Jungkook a little shove with his shoulder as they walked towards the front door "What's >em>more than nice?'"

"I don't know... erm... good?" Jungkook was getting a bit flustered, what he wanted to say was that he looked amazing, sexy and downright edible... but he couldn't.

"You think I look good?"

"You always do."

Tae opened the door slowly, very slowly, blocking the way "Always? You think I always look good?"

"Yes, now can we go?"

"Good is a bit less rubbish than nice. Any advances on good?" Tae was pushing his luck, he was well aware of this but instead of just doing this to wind up his friend and fish for a compliment like he always did... he has a purpose now.


"You think I look great? Could we stretch to hot? Or maybe sexy?" for added emphasis, he wiggled his eyebrows.

This was getting a little uncomfortable, Jungkook thought "Yes, if we can go, then yes."

"Which one?"


"Which one? Then we can go."

He was caught between the devil and a hard place, hot and sexy were one and the same, he thought Tae was both with a million other words thrown in too. "Hot, let's go with hot. Now can we go, please?"

Tae smirked and opened the door wide, allowing Jungkook to walk past "I love it that you think I'm hot." he said quietly but loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Jungkook faltered in his movements, he sensed something but wasn't sure what it was. There were many times when his mind had played tricks on him, making him think there was much more to a look or touch... but then Tae would refer to him as his best friend and the only thing he felt, was justified that he'd not got carried away and said something. Tae had a habit of winding him up. like the time he was dressed up to go to a design awards show at the university and had made the effort to wear a suit. Jungkook missed the doorway to the kitchen and walked into the wall when he saw him. Tae hadn't seen that though and proceeded to badger him about how he looked in the suit, asking questions about whether the waistcoat was overkill (Jungkook's eyes were drawn to his svelte waistline), whether the trousers were too figure hugging (damn his ass looked good) and Jungkook was a mess by the time Tae left.

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