Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Published: November 29, 2020

Updated: September 30, 2021

Harry hadn't seen Wyvern, or whatever his real name was, in days. He was starting to worry. He didn't think he saw or said anything that would indicate that Wyvern intended to hide from him, again. But it had been too many days, and Wyvern's caution about him getting too many coins might get him 'rolled' was playing in his mind. The fact that he lived somewhere in Knockturn Alley and Aurors don't generally patrol the area, did not ease his apprehension. Harry wished he had just followed Wyvern back home once, against his wishes.

However, he wore his red Auror robes today and had his wand at the ready as he invaded Knockturn Alley. Many people ducked for cover when they saw him, but he walked into a few shady places and caught a few off guard. Some would answer his questions, just to get him to move on. After four hours of searching, he had nothing, until he walked into a pub and saw Wyvern's Rubik's cube in the hands of a tweaked-out skinny jerk.

"Auror! Freeze!" Harry growled his usual line.

The potion tweaker shot an unformed spell at him and ran toward the back door. Harry chased him outside, hooked him on an invisible line and pulled him back. The moron tried to curse him, but Harry easily stripped him of his wand and summoned the cube.

He thrust it in the guy's face as he shoved him hard into the brick wall and growled, "Where is he? What did you do to him?"

"It was a gift!" he garbled out, panicking.

"Gift? Really? You might have been able to sell that before you attacked me... twice. Where is he? Tell me or I'll rip your guts out... the muggle way," Harry threatened, hoping no one else heard and reported that to his boss.

"I don't know! I left him in the alley! Please don't arrest me!"

Harry tightened his grip and the potion-addict took him to the alley where he left Wyvern. There was still a bloodstain on the ground and Wyvern's white broken stick. He summoned another Auror to take his prisoner and examined the crime scene. He noticed that Wyvern had crawled away, as the blood trail was easy to follow. He slowly followed the dried blood down to the next alley and it sloped down to the water. The blood pattern changed. Like they rolled him.

Harry felt panic start to build as someone could have pushed him into the water. He ran to the water's edge and looked up and down the small stream, hope draining. He'd have to work with the muggle police and pulled out his ministry wallet to check that that he had his muggle officer badge, just in case of situations like this. He was about to Apparate to Scotland Yard when he saw a blood trail heading under a low bridge.

He trembled as he crouched under the bridge to follow it. He felt that he passed through a ward, but kept going. The blood smears stopped, but some droplets continued forward. Then he spotted a service hatch door that had been broken off. That had to be it.

"Wyvern?" he called and heard voices.

Please be okay, he prayed to anyone. Suddenly, a big burly man crawled out and came out to the path. He had red hair and was holding a blackjack. Harry had his wand at the ready, but kept it sheathed.

"Hello, I'm looking for my friend," Harry proclaimed, watching the man's reaction.

"Yeh gat no friends' ere, boyo," he said, with a thick Scottish draw.

"He was hurt not too far away from here. I followed the blood. See? It ends right here," he said, pointing to the pile.

The Scot studied him. "Might've fallin' in. Wha's wit' the cloak?"

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