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Keefe POV:
"I'm on my way," I said into my phone, already standing up from my desk inside the room me and my sister shared. I ran to the front door only pausing briefly to shout at my mom that I was taking the car. The door slammed behind me before she could shout something back at me. I sped down the main road, flinching at every pothole I hit, but not caring enough to slow down. I knew what it felt like to be scared all alone at home- I lived in a rough neighborhood. I just prayed that we could get out of there before my sister had to ever feel scared all alone.
A few minutes later, the street started to merge into a cul-de-sac and the houses slowly started getting bigger and more expensive. I arrived at the end of the lane, pulling up behind another sedan that looked out of place among all the other expensive looking vehicles lining the road. I wondered if this could be the man Sophie was talking about's car. But only for a second before I ran up her walkway and banged as hard as I could on her door. No answer. I opened the door and walked cautiously into her house, still making sure to take off my shoes at the door, even though there was a potential murderer/creep on the loose. "Hello?!" I yelled out.
"Keefe!" A strangled whisper came from under the couch. "I'm over here!"
I squatted down and peered under the grey couch decorated with fluffy pink and white pillows. Big brown watery eyes gazed back at me.
"Hey," I murmured.
"Hi..." she said back.
"Whatcha doing under there, Soph?"
Sophie looked down guiltily. "Well... turns out it was just the some stupid teenage boys."
I chuckled a little, admiring her adorably flushed cheeks. "Then why are you still under the couch?"
"I'm stuck?"
"Couldn't expect anything less from you, now could I?"
Sophie laughed a little. "Help me out Keefe."

. . .
"Now add the sugar to the flour." Sophie instructed me.
I rolled my eyes, pushing her playfully. "I know how to follow a recipe- who do you think I am?"
"Excuse me for not thinking school bad boy aka Mr I-show-no-emotion could bake a cake," Sophie said, rolling her eyes.
I gasped, in faux-hurt. "What are you talking about?! I'm probably the most emotional guy out there."
"Uh huh."
I picked up a handful of flour and chucked it at her. "You take that back!"
She gasped. "What the hell?!"
Two seconds later, white powder was all over my face. I blinked a few times. "You did not just-"
"Hey- I said I'd get you back for your little spider stunt so this is only fair!" She laughed back.
Icy water splashed into my face.
"There," she said "Now the flour will stick!"

Merry Christmas to all of you! ❤️
Hope you enjoyed the part-
Sorry for the long update!
Thanks so much to
(Sry if you didn't get a shoutout- love you all!)

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