~𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨~

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I started to sob loudly. "My mother cant be dead....this is just some cruel joke..." I said hiccupping between sobs.

The doctor said. "Im so sorry....Look Midoriya...we will have Bakugo taking care of you and making sure nothing bad happens to you. We already have police looking for your father and-"

"That doesn't change anything!" I shouted loudly. "Just leave! Both of you!"


I stopped him from talking. "JUST LEAVE! I WANT TO BE ALONE!" I shouted louder. The doctor rested his hand on Kacchan's shoulder. Kacchan sighed softly, and he got up. Both the doctor and Kacchan left the room. I was alone. I was alone with all the different thoughts I had. I was filled with anger, and sadness. I stared out the window.

I want revenge.

I want to see my father in pain for what he did to both me and my mother. But i wont do that. I dont want to be just like him. Thats not who i am. I will be the person that my mother raised me as. I hope she is doing alright in Heaven. Maybe one day i will see her. I sighed. I wonder where he would be right now. I hope the police could find him. Maybe I am just like my father. I did hurt him, but I only did it out of fear...and I wanted to protect Kacchan.

I like im in love with him. I sighed. Actually....

I know that I am in love with him.

I don't think Kacchan would ever think the same about me. I sighed, and rested my head in my hands.

After a few days of being checked on, they let me out. I stayed behind Kacchan and he slowly helped me onto the bus. He had me sit in a seat, and he sat next to me.

We didn't say anything to each other. I think he felt bad about what happened. I didn't really want to talk. I was still taking in the fact that my mother was dead.

Kacchan got us both off the bus, and he brought me into his house. He then walked me upstairs, and laid me down on his bed. He gave out a gentle sigh. "Look...Deku....Im really sorry about your mom...its all my fault...Im...so...sorry.." He said as I saw tears begin to fall down his face.

I frowned, and sat up a bit. It hurt to sit up, but I gave him a small gentle hug. I felt tears begin to fall down my face. "Its not your fault Kacchan...please don't say that..." I said and hugged him tighter. I buried my face into his shoulder. I began to shake. "I want my mother to be alive...."

Kacchan begin to run his fingers through my messy green hair. It felt nice. I really enjoyed it in all honesty. "Shhh...Deku...look...We will find your father...and we will avenge your mother...I promise..."

I pulled myself away from the hug, and looked into his piercing red. I shook my head. "I don't want to cause violence...I would be just like him if I do that..." I said softly and looked down.

He made me look back up at him. "You wont be like him...you are avenging your mother...Look Deku you will never be like your father. You are not even like him! You are so sweet, so kind, so smart, and even..." He mumbled something under his breath.

I couldn't hear him, but I was surprised by the sudden compliments I was getting. I just smiled, and wiped my tears away. "Heh I never knew Kacchan would compliment me...but thank you..."

Kacchan smiled. "Heh no problem Deku." He said. "Hey you should lay down though. I will go get you some water, and cook you some food. Does that sound good?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah that sounds good Kacchan." I said smiling more, and I laid down on his bed. He nodded, and walked out of the room. I watched him walk out of the room. I stared up at the ceiling.

I was getting lost in my thoughts now. Why was Kacchan being so nice to me all of the sudden? Was it because my mother died? He was probably just going to be nice to me for a week or two. Yeah probably. He wasn't really been nice to me since we were kids.

I should just cherish the moment of him being nice to me. I sighed. I really love him a lot. How would I tell him how I feel though? Would I just get reject like before? He probably doesn't even like me back. No one has ever had a crush on me. I closed my eyes. I inhaled and then exhaled.

I didn't really like getting lost in my own thoughts. My thoughts were scary sometimes. I heard someone walk in. I turned to see it was Kacchan. He sat me up. He gave me a water bottle, and held a bowl of Kastudon. I smiled happily. I looked at him. "How do you remember what my favorite food is? I told you when we were kids."

Kacchan laughed nervously. "Im not stupid Deku. I can remember things nerd."

I laughed. "Yeah. Yeah." I said, and took a bite of Katsudon. It was so good. Kacchan was so good at cooking. I loved his cooking so much. I am a horrible cook. My mother was the one who usually cooked for me, since I almost burned the house down once.

"This taste so good! You are such an amazing good!" I said happily, and began to eat more of it. Kacchan smiled and blushed a bit. "Yeah. I know Deku. My mom taught me how to cook. She said it was important for when I got a girlfriend, and got married. Also maybe have kids."

I frowned. "Oh..." I said. I knew he didn't like boys. He would never like me anyways.

He didn't seem to notice how my facial expression change. "The problem is that I like guys. Sooooo. I would cook for my boyfriend, my husband, and maybe even our children. But I don't really think im suitable as a dad."

I smiled happily. "Im sure you are suitable to be a dad Kacchan!" I was so happy to hear he liked guys. I couldnt believe it.

Maybe I actually did have a chance with him.  

Maybe i can be with him. 

Maybe we can be happy together.


Does he even like me like that?

~Please Understand Me~ Trans!Deku x BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now