🌱 Neville 🌱

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Request:  Neville lashes out bc of stress from homework during his study time with y/n. frustrated Neville shows his dominant side and- well you know how it goes.

Warnings: For those of you who are uncomfortable with the use of 'Daddy', there's ONE sentence that uses it.

Sitting in silence with Neville has always been something I appreciated deeply. There was no need for small talk or awkward glances. I always looked forward to our study sessions. Merlin knows he doesn't need to study as much as I do, yet he always checks with me during breakfast to make sure I was still coming to his dorm later to go over our work. I remember the first time he brought me up to his shared room. A couple of his roommates shrieked, not expecting a female to be sitting on Nevilles bed. Now, they expect me to be there.

---not a time skip but is at the same time---

Merlins left tit there's a quidditch match today. No fuckin' wonder it's so quiet in here. I wonder if Neville realizes we have the dorm to ourselves for the next couple hours. I'm curious to know what he'd think if I brought it up. How the hell do I bring that up without it sounding like- ugh. 'Guess what? We've got the room to ourselves for a bit'  maybe he'll bring it up. Merlin.. for once, the silence is killing me. Oh shit have I just been staring at him oh my god fuck m-

Neville slams his fist on the table, causing him to hiss and cradle his hand. I cannot believe I almost fell off the fucking chair from a simple bAnG. The impact caused the table to shake, a slight wave of air radiating from his hand moves some of our notes in the process. This sudden change of character intrigued me whilst simultaneously making me worry.

"Um.. are you okay, Neville?" as soon as that question left my mouth I mentally scolded myself. Of course he's not okay what kind of stupid fuc- "Yes, y/n, I'm just holding my hand to show you my maternal instincts. What the fuck do you think?"  I just sat there, mouth ajar, eyes wide, with the most ridiculous expression on my face ever. Never in a million years did I think I'd hear Neville swear, let alone respond sarcastically. 

The way he said 'fuck' had my stomach learnin' aerobics.

Neville was so caught up in his own thoughts that he hadn't even looked at me until he heard the sound of my quill scratching against the parchment. I must've looked pathetic. Head down, hair serving as a curtain shielding my face, looking directly at the table. I wasn't even writing anything I was just making random shapes hoping he wouldn't notice.

As soon as he saw me a wave of guilt and regret traveled through his body.  "Merlin I-I'm so sorry y/n I didn't mean to-" as he spoke, his face gradually turned to a very noticeable shade of pink as he stumbled over his words uttering apology after apology.

How can someone manage to be so  hot   and then become an adorable mess less than a minute later? Merlin help me-

"Neville, it's okay, really. Everyone has their moments. Maybe we should stop studying for the rest of the day." as I said that, his once frustrated and guilty face, turned back to its original soft expression.

I looked up and noticed Neville looking around the room completely confused. "If you're wondering where the guys are, they're at the quidditch match." as soon as I said that Neville snapped his head back to me and nodded. I dont want to be annoying but I want to make sure he's okay.. fuck it. "Erm.. Neville? Are we gonna talk about your uh.. moment?" I wanted to sound worried but It's come to my attention that I sound afraid.

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