🍫Remus🍫-marauders era-

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concept: his time of month makes him extremely horny.. he and y/n are in the library, shes gotta try and stay quiet but remus is making it pretty fuckin hard.

warnings: for those of you who are uncomfortable with the use of 'Daddy', I suggest you skip this. As for pet names, Remmy is a total dom—unlike his appearance— there will be pet names such as: pup, princess, —and degradation.


The library. A place I turn to in order to escape the catastrophe known as life. Sitting in silence -usually cuddled in Remus' lap-, reading or studying, basking in each others presence. I live for those days where everything is just right. Although, sometimes we get a little.. distracted.

I can't complain, however, I'm not saying that I ever would. I know the common room would be just as good of a place for us to get all cuddly, with the warm lighting from the fire it's almost perfect. Almost. The library has one thing the common room doesn't; silence.


Per usual, I'm curled up on my favorite seat while reading; the seat being, Remus, of course. I've always dreaded finishing books. Once it's over I have no clue how to feel. What do I even do now that I've finished this? How do I move on? It's like post nut clarity but- with books. I find myself asking the same questions each time I finish a book. Although it's incredibly cliche, all good things must come to an end. As comfortable as I may be, it's time to switch this book out for a new one.

The position in which I am currently stuck in has got to be one of my favorites. My legs are hanging over the arm of the chair as I'm sitting on his lap leaning against his chest. In this position I can hear his calming heartbeat acting like a metronome as I take in his scent and get lost in whatever book I happen to be reading. I could stay like this forever. I would stay like this forever if it were possible.

I try—keyword, try— to get out of Remus' arms however, he really doesn't wan't to let me go. To be honest I'm perfectly fine with this situation.. but I guess I'll have to get up eventually so it might as well be now. "Rem.. you have to loosen your death grip on me. It's not like I'm going to run up to Voldy and tell him that I found his nose. I'm just getting a new book." I say things like this with too much confidence and I know that Remus tries his hardest to keep a straight face when I make comments like these.

Just as predicted, his arms wrapped around my waist as he rests his head against mine. "Mm-" his voice is muffled by my hair, yet he continues to talk as if I can actually understand what he's saying. "Just because you're talking directly on my head doesn't mean that I can decipher what you're saying."

I know during his time of the month I shouldn't be so... mm what's the word.. mordacious? Well, even if I can't find the perfect word, I can sum it up quite well. I shouldn't be such an ass during his cycle.

He moves his head so that it's no longer buried in my hair as he considers letting me go. "We have magic; why would you have to get up?" he asks, making it sound like I'm crazy. "Well, I don't think that we shouldn't rely on magic for simple tasks. However, I mainly have to get up because I don't actually know what book I'm going to get." I say, matter-of-factly.

He just groans as he reluctantly lets go of me. "Don't take too long.. it's already cold without you." he pouts, crossing his arms and puffing out his bottom lip. Sirius' dramatic personality is really starting to rub off on him. "You won't die if I'm away for a couple minutes, Rem." I say while I roll my eyes playfully, as I turn to walk away. "How can you be so sure.." he murmurs to himself thinking I can't hear him.

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