🚬Sirius🚬-marauders era-

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request : y/n and her boyfriend, Sirius-previously known as the schools biggest flirt— skip class to hang out in his dorm.

warnings: degradation, sirius is a total dom. names like 'Sir' will be used. Pet names regarding y/n: princess, slut, whore, pup—this seems to be a popular one which is fun to me considering- sirius.. black dog.. SIRIUS- the doG star..


I didn't know what Minnie was thinking when she let Sirius and I sit together. But who was I to complain? When we first got assigned to be partners, Sirius told me that McGonagall knew exactly what she was doing because she's his wing woman. How could I forget that moment?

Sirius walks over to my table with a grin that could make the Cheshire cat jealous. "I'll have to thank Minnie for this later." he says with a pause, looking to see if I heard him. "Care to elaborate?" I say, trying my best to understand what the hell he's talking about. He gives me a smirk as he sits down next to me before revealing the meaning behind his vague words. "James is a great wing man but, Minnie has more power." I'm sure my face shows my thoughts clearly as I try and take in what my partner just said.

"How do you think she'd react if I started calling her my wing woman? Or.. wing feline? Er- it's a work in progress.." he trails off sheepishly while running his hand through his hair on instinct. "Does she really count as a 'wing woman' if all she did was move you to sit with someone you're already dating?" I ask with a smile on my face.

I can't help but admire his personality. I'm honored since the only people who've had the pleasure to see his true self are The Marauders--and now me.  He rolls his eyes as he tries his best to look upset. "What makes you so sure that she's even aware of our relationship?" he questions with a raised brow.

I let out a fake laugh as I mirror his body by turning mine to face his. "Oh please. As if you don't tell her about your entire day during detention." He looks at me as he shrugs his shoulders slightly. "She's a good listener." he says as he turns to face the front of the classroom, flipping his hair dramatically and sticking his chin up in the process, trying to look annoyed.

You can imagine what Sirius' behavior would be like in this situation. At first he'd do nothing but admire me as his thumb softly rubbed the top of my hand he was seemingly glued to. In the beginning, he was wholesome and ridiculously cheesy. However, the longer our relationship went on, the more touchy we both got. It started small with simple gestures such as leaving a hand on the others leg. No harm in that, right?

Well, one hand resting on the others thigh escalated over time. It went from small shapes being drawn on the others knee or mid thigh to small shapes being drawn dangerously close to a certain area. These supposedly innocent acts were all fun and games until it became exactly that; a game.

Teasing the other had become a familiar game between us. The problem is, neither of us like to lose. Although this was just a game we made to make the other flustered, we took it a bit too.. seriously. -all jokes aside-

You might be wondering how one could even lose at a 'game' that's just two people teasing the other. It's simple, really. The goal is to see who loses their composure first. Something about Sirius and I, is that neither of us give up easily.

The both of us coming from families in which keeping our composure was key, certainly did not make this game any easier. So far, both of us have only lost once. -that was fuckin embarrassing- Out of all the times we've been in this classroom, you'd think we'd get bored of this game, right? Not. At. All.

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