🐺Remus/Sirius⭐️ -older-

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i couldnt stop laughing while writing this idek why. also, please please someone acknowledge the height difference between the two. thats so fucking adorable. enjoy or dont, who am I to control your emotions?
request: y/n has a stressful day at work, lashes out at her lovely boyfriend remus. unfortunately for her, its remus' time of the month, giving him a fuck ton of lust to spare. remus seeks out sirius to help with her punishment.

My job pisses me off. Simple as that. I joined the ministry in hopes of fixing the fucked up prejudices they have. It's absolutely ridiculous. These discriminatory laws keeping people from working decent -or any- jobs due to their blood status or disease in which they had no choice in, is fucking disgusting. Anyone who knows me, knows that im very passionate about my opinions and I have no problem in expressing them.

I had already decided that I wanted to work in The Ministry in hopes to instate positive change by my third year. So over time, I had set very high expectations in what I thought I could achieve. However, I now realize that I didn't take into account the fact that I, am a woman. So naturally, as the sexist pigs they are, they made me a fucking secretary.

The only reason I'm still working there is because I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, I could work my way up slowly and eventually make some actual changes. The man I love had to grow up believing he was a monster because of how The Ministry portrayed those who suffered with lycanthropy. Even now, as an adult, those thoughts linger in his mind; destroying his self image slowly.

Going home had always been the best part of my day. Not because of the lovely couch in the living room or the beautiful Library that had replaced the guest room; but because of Remus. He is my home, and that's all I need to keep me going. However, instead of walking through the front door with an eager smile on my face, per usual; I had walked in angrily, slamming the door behind me.

I dropped my bag where I stood, not giving a fuck anymore. For a good five seconds, I stood there blankly. Until I let out a long scream of vivid curse words and interesting insults towards my job. Remus walked in carefully, as if I would kill him if he looked at me in the wrong way. I kicked my heels off in a random direction and looked at my wonderful boyfriend. My mood had softened by a sizable amount when I took in his appearance, but the fire burning within me was still prominent.

The lanky awkward man in front of me sent me a sympathetic smile as he walked closer to me. Engulfing me in a hug which I undoubtedly needed, he kissed my forehead and pulled away to look into my eyes.

"What happened this time?" he sighed softly. "They're all fucking cows, thats what happened. No matter how much I achieve or how hard I work, the men there look down on me as if I'm nothing more than a fucking toy. They don't take me seriously—and don't you fucking dare make a Sirius pun right now—they don't see my accomplishments, no, they see me as a fuCKING WALKING BRAINLESS VAGINA." I know I shouldn't have talked to him like that, but at the time, I was overly angry.

The look on his face already showed that I was in trouble but I didn't care, no; I kept going. In fact, as he opened his mouth to talk, I cut him off like an idiot. "I swear to Merlin, if you ask why I still work there when it just makes me angry again, I will literall-" before I could even finish my empty threat, I was pushed against the door with his hand over my mouth.

fuck fuck fu- wait no. what right does he have to silence me right now. I had a really fuckin good threat for him aND HE HAD THE AUDACITY  TO CUT ME OFF?? no bitch.

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