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Joanna chose a guesthouse in Negril and booked it out for three weeks. She had offered a hefty sum that the owners had no reason to complain. Seeing as she got her pay, Joanna offered extra for silence. Even though she used a false name, one could never be too careful.

'Don't trust anyone, ever.' That quote kept her alive. The sun was still hot but seeing as the building was right on the shore, there was a cool and comforting breeze. Daniel was sitting on the sand, ignoring his sister who eyed him from the balcony. However, she wasn't truly focusing on anything besides his safety. They were officially off the grid. Once that was done, they immediately gave each other their space.

Her phone was warm and pressed against her right ear as she made a call. It ran a few times before she was answered, and when she was, her anger slipped from her self-control. "Wanna tell me you the fuck shot at me today?!"

A familiar dark voice that made her cringe and scowl, was quick to answer her. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Did I stutter?!"

"No, and neither did I. So, tell me, what the fuck you're talking about?"

"Leonardo, someone opened fire on my fucking apartment building! My brother could have been killed! There's only one group of people that know where I live and that's your family. Suh fix dat bomboclaat!"

"First of all, I need you to calm down and remember who the fuck you're talking to. No one here has given up your location. You know that I would never let that happen."

"Then you can't seem to control those people, Leonardo. You're not your father." She scoffed, choosing to be blunt.

She was met with a good minute of silence before he spoke again. "Don't forget that you don't just work for me, but any corrupt bastard that gives you a check and a man's name that's to your liking. So, don't act like you're following all the rules. If you did, perhaps you wouldn't have exposed yourself."

Joanna couldn't oppose this statement. She didn't just take jobs from them because their work didn't always appeal to her taste in victims. After a while, they stopped fighting her on these odd jobs when they realized how much she needed it. But with them came responsibilities, being careful through her madness and her killing sprees. But her stubbornness wouldn't allow her to let him win the argument. She scowled at the man in response, "I'm always careful."

"Not careful enough if they know where you live."

There was no rebuttal to that. Instead, she listened to the man as he sighed with frustration. No doubt, he was pulling at his thick, dark brown hair strands as a coping mechanism. "If you're exposed, you should come back to Mexico. I can protect you better here." The man advised.

This made Joanna laugh, "I'm sure that's all you want to do, Mr. Garcia."

Despite his annoyance, he laughed along with her, ignoring the venom dripping from her tone. "I am serious though, JoJo. If you're in danger, come back, and bring your brother. You're very important. I can't afford to lose you. He'd never forgive me."

He had lost her at the words, 'come back'. Her mind drifted to the past, and it made her ears ring as fear gripped her spine. "I can handle myself, Leonardo. Just manage your side and I'll manage mine. Whoever tried to kill me won't live past the year, no matter who it is." She answered absent-mindedly.

Her mind began to take a toll of its own and her body followed; her chest began to rise and fall in an increased manner.

"Alright, fine. But this doesn't affect your business here. That is also a part of the deal. I suggest you do your best to figure it out quickly. I'm going to have a job for you soon, and a very important one for this family. I don't care what happens, you'd best be available the next time I contact you." Leonardo instructed and with that, he ended the call.

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