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Daniel had mixed feelings when Joanna's caller ID appeared on his phone. There was happiness, of course, but he was yet to forgive her for what happened the night before, amongst other things from the past. He felt groggy and unwell as he checked the time.

'Four in the morning. What the fuck, Joanna?' Despite his annoyance, he answered the phone and pressed it against his ear. "So, you're alive." the young man murmured.

"You sound disappointed." She chuckled, sounding chirpy on the other end.

"Haven't decided yet. Why are you calling so early? That's unlike you."

"Maybe I missed you."

He didn't even allow himself to be hopeful and a scowl formed on his face as he said, "At 4 AM? Cut the shit, JoJo."

She chuckled, amused by his grogginess. Unlike her, her brother wasn't a morning person. "Your documents didn't get fucked in the fire, right? You know, like your passport and VISA?"

He sat up in the hotel bed, "No, I always keep those on me. Why?" he asked, dreading the answer.

"I got called in. So, I booked us a flight for eight in the morning. Gather yourself and make sure you are at the Norman Manley Airport by seven-thirty. Understand?"

He groaned at the possibility of seeing Leonardo Garcia again. That sadistic creep and the man who birthed him had his claws embedded in the two for too long. Daniel wanted to be rid of him and had managed to fly below the radar. Joanna, on the other hand, was not so discreet.

No, she loved the violence and the chaos too much. Whenever he called, she answered. If he asked her to jump, she would ask, 'how high?' She followed his orders without question. It was one of the things he hated most about his sister. Mostly because he couldn't understand why she was loyal to him. 'After everything that family has done to us, why the fuck has she not killed him yet? She lived for vengeful shit like that, right?' He just didn't understand it.

"Come on, Joanna..."

"Or you could fuck off and stay here. I could care less."

He almost wanted to. He almost always stays. But then his mind returned to the guesthouse last night, now made to ash and dust. It was best for him not to risk being in this country for a while. That was the annoyance that came with being Joanna Garson's baby brother. "I'll be there." He grumbled.

"Cool." She said, ending the call.

He flipped over and woke the man he brought to bed last night. "Yuh haffi guh liff up, sir. Mi have places fi guh."

The tall, dark chocolate man. Rupert, if he remembered correctly, opened his eyes, and tiredly nodded. As he got dressed, he gave the young man a threatening scowl. "Yuh betta nuh tell nubady bout dis, else mi—"

"You will kill me, heard it before. Now get the fuck out." Daniel sighed, fanning him off.

The man's face was forgotten the moment he walked out the door. All he could focus on was getting ready for the long journey as well as the anger he was still carrying.


They arrived in New York by the evening. To Joanna, it was a haven. Whenever things got too rough or there was just a time to lay low, Joanna always went to New York; the city that never sleeps so it camouflaged her antics well. In many ways, this city reminded her of her country. Anything could happen here. Any form of illegality or sexual sins were second nature in this place. She just felt free there, allowed to do what she wanted and be who she wanted to be. Sinful, charismatic, and wild in every shape and form.

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