chapter 16: Internships

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Me: hey guys sorry it's been awhile since I last posted a chapter for this story I have been busy recently so please know I'm uploading whenever I can thank you no onto the chapter

Its been a week since the sports festival and everyone was amazed with how Izuku got so strong so fast. When they asked him on how he did it he just replied with "oh I just had some help from a friend" nothing more. Over the week they noticed that Izuku would talk to himself from time to time. Which wasn't out of character for him he mumbles to himself all the time. But they way he was talking it was like he was talking to someone else which was suspicious. By the end of the week they all lost patience and asked Izuku who he keeps mumbling to. Izuku tells them its was his friend that helped Izuku prepare for the festival. Now everyone was interested on who it was and asked if they can talk to this friend of his. Izuku just gives a sly grin and tells them that they can meet him but first they need to go somewhere first. Everyone was confused on what he was talking about that was until he used kamui on them. They warped to a different dimension and empty void filled with a sort of rocky landscape. They asked Izuku were they were and he said "were in the kamui dimension were your going to meet my friend kurama" after he said that they calmed down but wondered why they need to go to another dimension to meet him. Izuku begins to make hand signs and slams his hand on the ground and says "summoning jutsu" then a giant nine tailed fox appeared in front of them.

Izuku: guys meet Kurama

Rest of 1A: THAT'S KURAMA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Kurama: yes I'm kurama nice too meet you

Class 1A was absolutely speechless they didn't expect a giant nine taild fox to be able to talk. They wanted to know how Izuku is able to summon him and what Kurama is. So Izuku and Kurama began to tell the story of chakra the five great nations and the tails beast's. Everyone was surprised to hear this as they didn't know about this history. That's when the big question was asked bye Ilda.

Ilda: wait dosint this mean anyone can learn how to us chakra like you?!?!

Izuku: yes Ilda you guys can actually learn to control your chakra and learn jutsu's like my fire ball jutsu

Everyone was amazed by this news meaning they can possibly be able to gain new abilities. It's now the next day and everyone was in class talking like normal. That's when Aizawa comes in and tells his class that there is an announcement. Everyone goes dead silent because every time Aizawa mentions an announcement it's big. Aizawa was actually shocked when his class went dead silent instantly when he mentioned a announcement.

Aizawa: wait your actually being quiet for once!?!?!?!?

Everyone in class 1a just nods.

Aizawa: well ok then anyway now that the sports festival is over it's time for internships you all got requested from different hero agency's to internship at I'll be passing out your request sheets that you have each gained

Everyone was excited hoping that they all got good hero agency's. They all had fairly big stackes of paper but when Izuku got his well. Izuku got the attention from every agency out there while have an absolute mountain of paper. Izuku was surprised to get so many and new he had to pick 1 out of all of them. While he was looking through the papers he noticed one in particular. He had gotten a request from the retired pro hero Grand Toreno. Izuku decided that he would do his internship with him. When he told all might it looked like all might had seen a goast and went pail. Izuku asked what was wrong and all might explained that Grand toreno was an old mentor of his. Izuku was shocked because he didn't know that he was trained under the pro hero. Izuku got a little worried because all might had now began telling story's to Izuku about his training with the retired pro. But Izuku new it was too late to change his choice so he had to suck it up and deal with it. The next day arrived and everyone went to there respective internships. When Izuku arrives at the home of Grand toreno he went inside. As soon as he walked into the house he was attacked by the old pro. Grand toreno expected to get the kid off guard and land a hit on him. But Izuku sensed Grand toreno's chakra and dogged his attack and responded with his own. Almost landing a hit on the old pros face Grand toreno was surprised to see Izuku's reflexes.

Grand toreno: well well well looks like you have some good reflexes there much boy but dont think this will be easy your training starts now!!!!

Izuku: ah shit😨

Me: that's were I'm going to leave it I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter I'm sorry for taking so long to post I just needed a bit of a break from writing and I'll make sure to post as soon as possible bye😅👋

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