Chapter 11

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"Gah!!!!""Kiibo grunted as soon (F/n) threw him to the ground.

"Sorry Kiibo you okay?"he ask.

"Yeah I'm okay don't worry your very strong Mr.(L/n)"he complimented.

This morning (F/n) woke up at 7 a.m. and left his room to train,Kiibo on the other hand was taking a walked until he him outside training so he train with him.

"Nah I'm not that impressive in my combat skills but I bet Tenko is even better then me she is the ultimate Aikido Master"said (F/n).

"Agree but your skill is very impressive Mr.(L/n) "said Kiibo.

"thanks Kiibo but we should head to the dining hall it's almost 8".(F/n) said.looking at his watch.

"I agree let's go".

(F/n) pov.

Me and Kiibo were in the dining room waiting for the others to arrive.

How ever Kiibo looks down all sudden.

"Hey Kiibo is something wrong".I ask.

"Well Im wondering if the professor ever finds us".he said"it's been a full day since Monokuma dispatched but our situation hasn't changed".

"Don't worry Kiibo I'm sure your father will find us, I'm sure all of us will get out of here".I said.

Kiibo smiled.

"Yeah your right".

"Good morning guys"

We both turned to look at Lily when she enter the dining hall.

"Good morning Lily".Kiibo greet.

"You two are here early"she said.

"Yeah I woke too early and decided to do a little training".I said.

"And I  was taking a walked when I saw him training"Kiibo reply.

"I see"Lily smiled.

Later everyone started to come to the dining hall.

Everyone was in a good mood thankfully.

"Good morning (F/n)"Shuichi greeted me.

"Good morning to you too Shuichi".I greeted back.

"Seems like everyone was in a good mood"Shuichi said.

"Yeah I'm quite glad their happy and not sad and angry at the time"I said.
.Shuichi nodded.

How ever there seem to be quite a commotion.

"Fucking skank don't ruined our happy moment".said Miu.

"That's enough Miu please settle down okay".I ask.

I looked at Kaede who looks worry for a some reason.

"Kaede is something wrong?" I ask her.


"Why are you so worry about Monokuma is dead now. There's no way the killing game can continue,y'know?"Kokichi said.

I had a bad feeling for some reason I don't know why.

"Hey guys to tell you the truth I sorta had a bad feeling for some reason"I said.

"Really wha-"Lily got cut off.

Third person pov.

Out of nowhere Monokuma came.

"And that's my cute to appear kuma"said Monokuma.

"...What?"Kokichi question.

"No wonder I had a bad feeling for all sudden!"(F/n) yelled.

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