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Holly's pov: "Hey, Mary I'm going to Petco with Charlie to get him some stuff." I said as I put Charlie's leash on him.

"Okay, be back soon because we're going bowling tonight with Lucas." Mary called out.

"Okay." I simply replied before heading out the apartment door.

Charlie pulled me to the elevator then we went in it and went down to the lobby.

"Hello, Mrs. Worth." I said to the owner of the apartment complex once I entered the lobby.

"Hello, Holly. You taking Charlie out for a walk?" Mrs. Worth asked as she pet the top of Charlie's head.

"Yes ma'am, also taking him to Petco to buy him some stuff." I said.

"Okay, have a good day, dear." She said.

"Thanks, you too." I said giving her a smile before heading out the door.

As I was walking to Petco, I was stopped by some fans asking for pictures. I stopped and took pictures with them. Letting them pet Charlie because I know how much he loves the attention. Then we made it to Petco, which honestly wasn't that far from Mary's apartment complex.

"Hey Mary and hello Charlie!" Heather exclaimed when Charlie and me walked into Petco.

"Hey, Heather. How've ya been?" I greeted the worker, who I had became friends with ever since the first day I went to Petco, when I first got Charlie.

"I've been good." She said smiling.

I returned the smile while Heather bent down to pet Charlie.

"I'll let you get what you need, but then I got something for Charlie before you leave." Heather did standing up.

"Thanks, Heather." I said.

I began to walk towards the aisle for dog food, but just as we were about to pass the dog toys aisle Charlie dragged me into it. I didn't have a tight grip on his leash so it slipped out of my hands. Charlie ran over to a boy who was bent down and ran straight into him. Knocking him over, then Charlie sat on him and licked his face.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed running over to Charlie and the boy.

I grabbed Charlie's leash and pulled him off the boy.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't have a tight enough grip of his leash and he just loves this aisle so much." I said.

The boy just stood up and chuckled. I looked at the boy who was wearing a black tee shirt and black jeans. He has brown hair and was tan. He looked pretty cute honestly.

"Not a problem, he's cute." The boy said looking down at Charlie.

"Yeah he is, but he can be a little bit of a troublemaker at times." I said chuckling.

The boy looked up at me. He has the prettiest eyes ever. They reminded me of the ocean. I'm pretty sure anyone can get lost in them right away. The boy crouched back down and looked back at the dog toys.

"What's the best toy to get a dog?" The boy asked.

"All dogs are different. Charlie here likes squeaky dog toys though, or basically anything honestly." I replied.

Petco // Daniel Seavey Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now