The Aurors

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Bellatrix was sat playing with her 1-year-old daughters Naviee and Ava. Her four year old triplets Carmen, Bethany and Kai were with her husband helping him with something.
Suddenly Bella heard a knock and the door and sent the elf to go answer it. The elf came in trembling with sour faced aurors.
"We wish to speak to you and your husband," the first auror -who she identified as Mad Eye Moody- told her. Bellatrix scowled and turned to the elf.
"Go get Rodolphus," she told it. The elf nodded and hurried away.
A few minutes later, Rodolphus entered the room with the triplets following him.
"Daddy where are you going? We were playing," Kai told him. Rodolphus turned to Kai and gave him a small smile.
"Something important, I'll come play with you again soon," he told him. Kai nodded and went to sit on the sofa to watch films with his sisters. The aurors looked at the children.
"Do you have anywhere a little more private?" MadEye asked them. Bellatrix frowned.
"Multiple places, but I don't wish to leave my children unsupervised," she said.
MadEye nodded and turned to an auror with grey hair.
"Dawlish. Stay with the children," he told him.
Dawlish nodded and Mad-Eye turned back to the Lestranges.
"Well?" He asked. Bellatrix looked at her husband before leading him and the auror into the next room.
Once in the next room, Rodolphus closed the door and looked at his wife who was looking rather pale.
"Are you aware of what happened to Alice and Frank Longbottom?" MadEye asked them. Bellatrix made eye contact with her husband then looked down.
"Yes," she whispered.
"Are you aware there should be a trial now? To prevent you from hurting others like that. To decide if you should go to Azkaban or face other punishments," he asked them.
This time it was Rodolphus who answered.
"We are aware, but please spare thought for our children, we can't leave them parentless," he whispered.
MadEye gave him a sad look.
"We're doing this for their safety. You have proven you would not hesitate to use Crucio if you wanted information. Therefore, should either of your children seem to know anything you would view as interesting, that would be a danger to them. We have to ask you to attend a trial, and you can't refuse."

Meanwhile, in the living room, the kids were starting to grow bored of the television show and wanted mommy and daddy to come back.
Carmen turned to the auror.
"Where's mommy and daddy?" She asked. Dawlish gave her a small smile.
"They're talking about something important. They'll be back soon," he told her. She nodded and leant her head in her brothers shoulder.
She sat watching the film with her siblings for ten minutes before Naviee started to cry.
"No shush Navi don't cry shush," she told her, climbing off the sofa and walking over to her little sister. Naviee continued to cry and Carmen sighed and turned to the auror.
"She wants mommy," she told him. The auror smiled grimly and took the small child away from Carmen and went into the next room.
"Hello. This child was upset, and the eldest girl said she wanted her mother," he said, opening the door. Bellatrix automatically walked over and put Naviee in her arms.
"Coo coo little one, mommy's here now," she whispered comfortingly.  The little one giggled and pulled at Bella's hair. Bella put on a look of mock surprise. The aurors looked at one another.
"Remember the trial," MadEye said simply, before looking at the other aurors and leaving. Bellatrix waited for the door to close before pushing Naviee into her husbands arms.
"HOW DO THEY KNOW IT WAS US?" She screamed. She proceeded to throw things around until she saw a little girl stood in the doorway.
"Ceebee, sweetheart. How are you?" She asked, smiling at her little girl. Carmen smiled.
"I'm good Mommy! Are you ok?" She asked. Bella frowned.
"I will be ok," she whispered. She looked at Rodolphus. The aurors knew. She could never escape Azkaban now. She has to leave her babies forever. But they're at least going to the people who will raise them correctly.

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