new students

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Naviee shuffled her feet as she looked at the sorting hat. Something made her worry she wouldn't be slytherin. She glanced around at her new classmates. She was really surrounded by mudbloods? Vena told her to avoid them. What if Vena was mad?
Ava saw a girl who looked a little similar to her shuffle her feet and glance around at everyone. She tried to smile at her but the girl didn't seem to notice. She turned to see a boy watching her and pulled a rude face at him
Ethan was watching a girl as she watched someone else shuffle her feet. They looked similar, maybe they were related? He didn't know, and he honestly didn't care either. Except he kinda did. Why did he recognise them? His grandparents had never told him about any girls, he'd never met a single girl his age. And yet there was another girl, sat at the slytherin table he recognised. Why did he recognise all three girls?

Beth was sat with the other slytherin girls in second year, as she glanced towards the 3rd year she'd met last year. She still recognised her but how? Why? This was all confusing. She heard the name "Lestrange," three times for the first years and she got more confused. She could swear she recognised that name too. And despite every one of them being in the same house, they didn't bother to speak. She just assumed they were siblings and left it at that.

3 years later, Beth began to realise these Lestrange people didn't know each other. It must just be a common name. They were 13 and 14, she was 16, and the eldest girl was now 17. And never had any of them shown a sign of recognising one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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