Finding Family

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The next morning, Bellatrix woke up early and woke the entire family up.

"Pack your bags girls. You won't be living here anymore," she told them. She'd already arranged for her son to be sent to a coven - they just hoped they didn't hurt him. She had three guardians in mind for her little girls, three guardians who would make sure the girls would not meet until Hogwarts, when they'd had enough time to forget each other. Bella had it planned - she was to leave them with their new families and erase their memory to not remember each other.

There was a knock at the door and Rodolphus went to answer it. It was the leader of the coven. Nodding at him slowly, Rodolphus let the man enter the manor and walked over to his wife and son. He looked down sadly, and waited for Kai to turn to the new person before whispering "Obliviate," at him. Kais eyes went dreamy and unfocused, and Rodolphus urgently pushed him and the leader out before the girls had a chance to come see what was happening. After the door slammed shut, he let a tear slip. His baby boy. His pride and joy. Gone.

Carmen was next. Carmen was going to live with Narcissa and Lucius. Bellatrix had already messaged Narcissa, and she'd agreed to this arrangement. Narcissa had her own children - Elisia and Draco - but she was prepared to take in another. Draco was Naviee and Ava's age, and Elisia was the same age as the twins.
Bellatrix made sure all of Carmen's stuff was packed before apparating to Malfoy Manor. She knocked on the door which her sister answered and smiled at her softly.
"I'll take good care of her," she promised. Bella nodded and pointed her shaking wand at her daughter.
"Obliviate," she whispered before running off in tears.

They'd agreed Naviee would be sent to live with Vena. Vena would be alone too as her partner Rabastan would also be going to Azkaban, and Vena was their aunt anyway. Naviee got along with Vena, and they knew this would be the safest option. Vena didn't live with Rabastan, so Naviee would not be found.
It was noon when Vena arrived. Bellatrix and Rodolphus both attempted to erase Naviee's memory but neither could bring themselves to do it -so Vena did it instead. Raising her wand at Naviee, she gently whispered, "Obliviate," under her breathe. She herself let a tear slip. She was about to help a girl because parentless. Grabbing Naviee's stuff, her and Naviee both left the manor, and didn't return for years.

This is only left Ava. Ava was to live with Andromeda, which worried Bella. Would Andromeda be mad at Ava because of who her mother was? She hoped not!
Her and Rodolphus both left the Manor together to be with one another as they saw the last of their final child. It was an emotional day for all Lestranges.
When Bella knocked on the door, she had hoped Andromeda would answer.  But no such luck; it was her husband, Ted. Bella asked him where her sister was and he gave a small smile.
"She couldn't bear to see you when knowing she'd lose you again," he explained. She nodded slowly. Pointing her wand at Ava, she brought up every memory Ava had of her sisters -except one that each child had forgotten- and whispered one simple word which would remove them all.
Bella and Rodolphus left after that, with the guilt and pain of knowing they'll never see their children again - and it was their own fault.

When the aurors came to take them to the trial, only Beth was left. Beth was to go to Bellatrix's parents- They'd already agreed on that with the aurors. That meant there was a chance of Beth and Carmen potentially meeting. Who knew?

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