Talking To Nymphadora

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The 6th Year Hufflepuff usually didn't care about new students houses. She would usually just sit there ignoring everything. But when she heard the name "Lestrange" she had to look up. Could this be Ava's family? Ava had joined their family years ago. Biologically, Ava was a Lestrange. But she was known as a Tonks to everyone. She watched as the girl with long black curly hair - like Bellatrix's - stumbled up to the sorting hat.  It immediately put her in Slytherin. Nymphadora sighed. Why had she been so stupid? There was no way she'd have been Hufflepuff. She'd have to talk to the girl another time.

The 6th year Hufflepuff girls dormitory was cheery that night. Nymphadora kept using her abilities to make her friends laugh.
At around 1am, most of the girls had fallen asleep.
"Matilda?" She said into the darkness, hoping her girlfriend would be awake.
"Hm?" Matilda responded. Nymphadora sighed.
"Did you see the Lestrange girl earlier?" She asked. Matilda muttered something that sounded like yes. Nymphadora went on.
"I think she might be related to Ava, I need to talk to her," she told her. Matilda ignored her
"Tilly?" Nymphadora said. Then she giggled as she heard her girlfriends soft snores. Matilda and their friend Regina had bought Nymphadora a bisexual pride flag for when she was at Hogwarts. She wasn't out to her parents yet, so she couldn't reveal that she was dating Matilda. But she knew her parents would accept her, so she didn't make a big deal out of hiding it. And right now, she had other things to do rather than come out; she had a 1st year to speak with.

The next day, she was in luck. She was walking to class when she saw the Lestrange girl looking lost. She smiled and took her chance.
"Hey! Do you need help? Where are you supposed to be?" She asked, looking at the girls timetable.
"Charms? Oh, the professor is lovely! I'll show you the way," she told her happily. She started walking ahead of the girl who looked around for Elisia, but her cousin was nowhere to be seen so she just followed the pink haired girl.
"You have the same surname as someone I know," Nymphadora casually mentioned. The girl smiled softly.
"That's nice," she said. Nymphadora grinned. So the girl did know how to talk.
"You ever heard of someone called Ava?" she asked. The first year bit her lip.
"Not from my knowledge," she responded.  Nymphadora sighed.
"I'm Nymphadora. 6th year and hufflepuff," she introduced herself. The girl gave her a smile.
"Carmen," she told her. Nymphadora smiled and stopped outside a door.
"Here you are!"
She began to leave, but the girl suddenly grabbed her arm.
"Do you know anything about connections?" She asked her. Nymphadora frowned.
"What sort?"
"I have a connection with someone I don't even know who they are," she told her. Nymphadora shook her head.

That night Nymphadora laid in her bed. Ava was lovely. Carmen had seemed lovely. So what was it the Lestrange's could have done to make it seem like every Lestrange was a bad person?

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