Give It Two Years

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"Aunt Narcissa, me and Elisia need our hogsmeade slips signing!" Carmen yelled, bouncing down the stairs. Narcissa turned from her book and picked up a pen.
"Bring them here then, Cee," she said. Her niece walked up to her and passed her two small pieces of paper. Narcissa quickly scribbled her signature onto both and passed them back to her. Carmen smiled.
"Thank you Aunt Cissy!" She shouted, running back upstairs.
"Give over running," Lucius yelled from his study. He was trying to do some work and those three nuisances were bugging him. He clambered out of his chair, and went into his nieces bedroom.
"Carmen. Keep an eye on Draco this year please," he asked her. Carmen nodded.
"I will do Uncle! Don't worry!"
Lucius nodded at his niece and left. She was so bright and bubbly; nothing like her parents. Part of him felt bad. Her sisters and brother never got the chance to know her. Should he tell her to look out for students of the names Ava and Naviee? He quickly decided against that. Bella and Rod erased their memories for a reason.

Naviee Lestrange woke up pretty early and ran downstairs for breakfast. Her aunt Vena was singing as usual.
"You're such a good singer," she told her aunt in awe. Vena laughed.
"Thanks sweetheart," she giggled, before sliding a plate of pancakes towards her. Naviee smiled and began to eat the pancakes. Vena was such a good chef, she was pretty, she could get any guy she wanted, and she was talented. Naviee was jealous, though she'd never admit that to Vena of course. She passed Vena her list of Hogwarts items she would be needing and Vena's eyes traced down the paper. She smiled.
"We'll go later today!" she said, before leaving the room to get changed.

Ava read her hogwarts list and smiled. Easily affordable. She took it downstairs to her Aunt Andromeda and passed it to her. Andromeda smiled.
"Thank you darling. We'll go later today once your uncle is back," she told her. Ava smiled.
"Thank you Aunt Drommie, I love you," Ava told her aunt. Andromeda smiled.
"I love you too,"

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