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Maybe Mew spoke too soon.

Not a second after passing a diner, Gulf leaned too far to the left and in the middle of mew taking back the control over the bycicle the boys crashed into a tree.

Gulf layed on the ground, sprawled out like a starfish. Too shocked to even respond to any pain while Mew hoisted up the bike and crawled over to gulf to search for any injuries.

"This is why I asked you to promise me earlier" Gulf sat up and took the helmet off of his head, running his hand through his hair.

"You were the one that leaned over too far" Mew shrugged

Gulf glared at him and stood up "thanks for the concern Mr. Jongcheveevat"

Mew frowned "mr. jongcheveevat is my dad, I'm just mew"


Mew stood up and brushed off his clothes "wanna get something to eat?" He asked while tilting his head towards the direction of the diner.

"What about the bike?" Gulf asked before resting the helmet on the bike handle

"Oh we can just leave it here... it wasn't mine anyways" mew shrugged before walking off

Gulf gaped and ran after mew "what do you mean by it wasn't your bike? Did you steal it?"

Mew hummed "precisely"

Gulf slapped the back of his head but then let out a tiny giggle after realizing how funny this situation was.

I knew it was weird that it was purple

Mew smiled widely, hearing gulf's soft giggling before opening up the door to the diner and looking around to find a seat.

He found one in the back and made a beeline to the booth with gulf trailing behind him.

They ended up ordering the same thing which was hamburgers and fries with an additional donut on gulf's order.

Gulf was uncomfortable for majority of the ordering and getting there food stage because the waiter kept flirting with mew.

He didn't know if he wanted to fight her or be her to be honest. She was beautiful and her smile was so wide...... not to forget that she was a girl.

Or what Gun prefers to call....... a breeder.

*cue laugh sound track*

Most of the dinner consisted of mew giving a bunch of lame jokes to try and make gulf laugh and gulf just giving him small smirks, showing mew that he appreciated the effort.

It was quite hilarious to gulf how hard mew was trying to get a reaction of a simple emotion.

Ofcourse gulf could have fake smiled or laugh to make mew satisfied or happy but where is the fun in that?

Even though he admires the guy, he still can tease.

"So what do sprinters eat before a race?" Mew asked excitedly

Gulf pretended to think before shrugging and smiling at Mew"no clue. Humor me"

"Trick question, they eat nothing cause they fast"

It took gulf a while to get the joke but when he did he smiles softly at Mew and clapped his hands "that was a good one my child"

Mew frowned and raised his hand for the waitress to come back with the bill while grumbling about stone people which
I'm guessing is gulf.

"Yes sir" the waitress asked while bending over towards Mew.

"Can I have the bill, we are done with the meal"

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