Chapter 2: Kami's Bruh Moment

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"Good lord!" The Namekian cried out while hastily covering himself up with bedsheets. "O-Oh my!!" Mr.Popo covered his eyes, his face turning a shade of magenta. "What on God's green earth are you doing?! Don't you know how to knock?!" Kami hissed, his face a deeper shade of green. "I-I'm so sorry, Kami!" Mr.Popo said "I-I heard you calling my name, and I-I thought I heard you crying a-and you were acting rather unusual before, you were a bit more quiet than you normally are, s-so I-" Kami cut him off "Well I wasn't you daft bastard! A-Agh!" Kami's shouting was briefly cut off by a surge of arousal that washed over him, still hard as a rock and horny to the point where it hurt. "Kami!" Popo hurried over to the Guardian's bed. "PISS OFF" The Guardian growled.

Their screaming match could be heard all the way from Korin's tower. The Z Fighters were outside, totally confused. "Should we leave or...?" Tien asked the others "This doesn't sound like it's gonna be pretty." Chiaotzu looked at Tien "Should we send someone inside to check on them? Should we leave?"

"I think it'd be a better idea to send someone in there. It'd be the polite thing to do" Tien replied.

Krillin jumped in "I suggest that we hold a democratic vote and whoever-" Yajirobe interrupted with a good ol' fashioned "One, two, three, not it!" "NOT IT!" they all blurted out simultaneously, except for Yamcha who had no idea what was going on, and Tien, who was practicing the way of the Honey Badger, and not giving a shit. "And the loser is Yamcha! Okay Yamcha, you're going in there" announced Yajirobe. Yamcha turned around to face the others. "Huh?" Tien let out an annoyed sigh and looked at Yamcha. "Mr.Popo and Kami are having a screaming match in there and

"What?!" cried the scar-faced bandit "Why me?! This place is huge! I'm gonna get lost in there!" Tien rolled all three of his eyes "Oh, come on, don't be such a scaredy cat. Somebody's gotta go in there. Look... if it'll make you feel safer, Chiaotzu and I will go in there with you."

"Are you crazy?! I'm not going in there!" Chiaotzu wailed "You and Yamcha can go in and get lost in that labyrinth all you want, but I'm not gonna go in there! I'm staying here with the othets!" Tien rolled all three of his eyes again and let out another irritated sigh "Fine, I won't force you. C'mom, let's go, Yamcha." Tien took Yamcha by the hand and lead him into the lookout. "But wait, what if we both get lost in there?!" Yamcha asked. The triclops looked at him "Well, consisering that we're looking for them, there's a good chance we'll run into Mr.Popo and Kami. So we'll ask them to help us find the way out."

As Yamcha and Tien made their way inside, Kami and Mr.Popo were still having a screaming match. "Enough!" Cried the assistant diety. "This mindless screaming is getting us nowhere! Let's just... let's talk it out, alright?" Kami looked at Mr.Popo and sighed. "Fine. Close the door behind you and come sit down. We'll have a chat." he said as he patted a spot next to him on the bed. Mr.Popo walked over and sat down next to the Namekian. "Kami, what's going on? You've been acting strange for days and it's starting to get concerning. I went to go check on you since you skipped out on training. You never do that, and when you do it's extremely rare!" He paused for a second to catch his breath, screaming can make you quite breathless. "Be honest with me." he continued "What on Earth were you doing? Why were you calling out my name?"

"Well, uh..." Kami stumbled "I was uh, um..." he covered his face with his hands "I-I was... mast... uh... masturbating... and I was thinking of uh, um... of you... having sex with me. Look, I'm in heat okay?! It's that time of year for us Nameks and I can't help it!" The Namekian slumped over with his face hidden behind his hands. "God dammit..." Mr.Popo's eyes widened and his face turned magenta again. "Kami, do... do I make you horny or something??" Kami blushed hard and made a noise of embarrassment and hid more of his face in hands. Mr.Popo couldn't help but laugh at his reaction "Kami, Kami, listen!" He laughed as he gently put a hand on his shoulder "Kami, it's okay!!" Kami glanced at Mr.Popo "W-What?!" he asked. "I said it's okay! I mean, yes it's a bit weird to some people, but it's very common for some people to do that." Mr.Popo blushed a bit and chuckled "Honestly, I think it's rather cute that you thought of me while you were doing it. I guess now that you've come clean about your little... er, problem, I should too." Kami looked at Mr.Popo in confusion. "But, we can talk more about that later! For now, I'd like to focus on your... er, problem.. Only if you're okay with it, Kami."

"Let's take care of business!"
"I don't follow... wait, you want to fuck me or something?"
"Well, if we're gonna be blunt about this: then yes! Like I said, as long as you're okay with it, I'll help you with your frustrations. I'm perfectly fine with it, but if you're not then I totally understand."

The Namekian paused for a second, but finally managed to squeak out some words. "But... why? You know you don't have to do this, so why bother?" Mr.Popo put a hand on Kami's shoulder "Well, seeing as how I'm your... assistant, or guardian, whatever you'd like to call it: I'm obligated to assist you in whatever way I can. So, why not? Besides, I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about doing this with you at some point. I'll help you with your frustrations, and you'll be helping me with mine in the process! We'll be killing two birds with one stone this way since we'll be solving two issues at once. And again, I'll only do it as long as you're okay with it. I won't force you to do something you don't want to do. Especially if it's sex related."

Kami blushed a bit. "Alright. Let's do it, Mr.Popo. Let's fuck." (damn that was blunt)

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