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Draco POV

The boys will be over any minute now. I decided to go and get my broom. I went to my room and scoured through my many school things and finally found the black broom at the very bottom of my trunk. I grabbed it, found a grip on it then walked out of my room. Just as I got to the double staircase there was a knock at the door. I continued to walk down the stairs and went to open the door. I opened it to see it was Blaise.

"Hey mate how you been?"

I say as I go in for a hug. After we pull away Blaise looks very confused.

I returned his look.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No it's seem different, it's a good different; it suits you."

I smile at him.

"It was all her"


I chuckle at him.

"Yeah granger who else?"

I say lightly as he walks in the house and closes the door.

We make small chat of how life's going and about the recovery of quidditch after the war.

Ifs been about half past the time we said to meet here and Theo and Potter are no shows. Just as I thought that we heard the door knock and then Milne yelling.

"I'll get it!"

We continued talking when Potter and Ginny came in with Mione leading them. Before an awkward silence could start Hermione said.

"Ok I know we all have a lot of differences but can we all please start fresh?"

Ginny was next to speak.

"Yeah I think that would be for the best."

Harry nodded and said "yeah"

We looked at Blaise and he sighed.

"Yeah I would really like that."

He stood up.

He walked up to Harry and extended his hand out to him.

"I'm sorry for the hostility and bad behavior we demonstrated to you when we were kids. It wasn't right and I'm really sorry."

Harry took his hand and shook it.

"No problem mate, we're good"

Blaise smiled, chuckled then nodded his head letting go of Harry's hand.

We all sat and chatted for a bit when again the door kno wed but this knock was quite light and soft yet it was enough for me to hear. I look to the group and say

"If you'll excuse me"

Then I walk out to open the door.

I open the door to find lovegood with a mud stain on her tops right shoulder and leaves and twigs in her hair.

"Sorry I'm late I saw a baby bowtruckler in one of your trees and I didn't want to risk hurting her with a spell so I climbed up. I don't mean to impose."

I smile at her.

"There's no damage at all Luna, please come inside"

She smiles at me and walks in.

"Why thank you Malfoy."

"Please, call me Draco."

"Oh, well thank you Draco."

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