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--y/n's pov--

i leave tommys room and head over to my house (again). i usually hate school but at least i have a somewhat friend to help me get through it. i glimpse at myself in my mirror and wonder if my outfit is school appropriate considering i dont know if theres a dress code. (ill give you an example of what the outfit looks like)


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     (if you dont like the outfit feel free to pretend its a different fit in your head)

i go downstairs and grab an apple to eat on the way to school. by the time im outside i see tommy waiting for me patiently. i run up to him and laugh considering hes wearing the same clothes as yesterday. "wow you really like switching your drip out often huh?" he gives me an annoyed glare but i can tell he was joking. "i just have duplicates" he looks away and smiles. by now we're already at school. "see ya later" he says, waving goodbye. "noooo, dont leave me youre my only friend" giving him a sad face. "with youre face im sure youll make friends." he mumbles while walking away. 

was that a compliment or and insult?

i walk away and acouple people welcome me, i smile and say hi. 3 girls come up to me and introduce themselves.

what is this, knockoff mean girls.?

i smile and introduce myself. "you should be in our friend group you are sooo pretty" the blonde one with blue eyes says. i laugh and walk away, i guess what tommy said was an insult. i look everywhere for him and finally see him on the track field (i dont know how stuff in london works so im sorry if there arent track fields in london lol). i run up to tommy and see that im the only girl nearby. "hi thomas, are these your nerd friends?" i say sarcastically he looks over in annoyance and say "what are you doing here". my mind goes blank, what am i doing here? "i forgot" the friend group laughs. i think to find something funny to say but cant think of anything.

*obnoxious school bell ring*

finally a way out. i wave and walk towards class. 

where the hell is class? 

i search the halls trying to find where class 113 is and its just, gone. by now im lost, im now in the hall of 300+ and i cant find my way out. i open the door besides me hoping i could find a teacher to guide me. i think i got the memo wrong and accidentally walk into a room with a bunch of teens (a bit older then myself) vaping. i automatically walk out and run through the halls trying to get back to where i started. i turn the corner and run into someone.

"shit what was that for"

"im so sorry"

"its fine lets be friends, im jacob" the boy says smiling.

after him showing my where my classes were while introducing each other, he asks for my phone number and i gladly give it to him. by now its already second period. i walk in the class and sit myself down in the corner of the huge classroom. 

--after class--

i stand up out of my seat and walk out of the class room. i see jacob standing by the doorframe waiting for me and quickly greet him and start a conversation. i see tommy walk by me and jacob, i smile and wave. he ignores me.

--tommy's pov--

what the fuck.

im just trying to have a conversation with my friend and i see y/n standing next to the schools most well know f-boy? also why the hell do i care? she can do whatever she wants. i stare in disbelief when i see both of them blushing, this is the end of her. i cant believe out of every person in this school she choose jacob, all he does is cheat.

--after school--

--y/n's pov--

i leave school with my happy face on, I MADE A FRIEND!! i cant believe i actually had a good first day of school. this never happens. i grab my phone out and start watching tiktok while walking home.

"y/n!! wait up"

i turn behind me and see tommy running towards me trying to catch up. i smile and wave.

"hi how are you tommy, i see you arent giving me that bitch face anymore"

he frowns and mumbles something, i couldnt quit hear it but it was probably something i didnt want to hear anyways.

"im fine until i saw you hanging out with jacob"

i stare at him in confusion, covering my face trying not to blush after hearing about jacob.

"were you stalking me?"

"was not, youre the stalker here. forget about the window incident?"

i laugh and roll my eyes at him.

--tommy's pov--

i cant believe it. shes falling for that idiot. 

"do you want to meet jacob? i think you guys would be great friends." y/n says smiling

i smile, not at what she said. but her smile, it makes me feel so comforted.

"yes or no"

"no" i say, why would i want to see jacob pretending to fall in love with my neighbor just so he can set her up. i see her frown and ultimately regret my decisions, i dont like seeing her sad. not one bit.

GEESH THIS IS SO BAD IM CRINGING MYSELF. this chapter was all over itself, in the beginning i had peoples sayings in the paragraph, and now its just out as a sentence (i dont know how to explain it but) i just wanted to thank my friends for insulting me and telling my this book is horrible. luv u evie. OH AND TY FOR 24 VEIWS :)

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