__𝐈: 𝐀 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨__

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Skeppyyyyy i just woke up can you give me a minute you muffinhead



Skeppy got off his computer. He wanted to record  with Bad, but apparently the dirty blond had just woken up. Skeppy hadn't slept that night, too busy overthinking soulmates again. He wished his soulmate had just- just SOMETHING. Unfortunately, the only video he'd received from his soulmate was one of someone huffing a bit distressedly, seeming to have accidently pressed record. 

He wasn't... mad. Not at his soulmate anyway, he did understand. Honestly he didn't know who would want to love...him

Haha Skeppy stop having you depression arc and get bad online.

Skeppy waited impatiently, spamming the older's name every second or so.


Ok I'm ready now you can stop freaking spamming me



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"Ok, now what did you want to record?" Bad cocked his head to the side.

"I wanna record a videoooo" Skeppy "Begged" though he was clearly fake begging for attention. 

Nonetheless Bad found it adorable. How could he ignore the fact Skeppy was adorable, he was his soulmate after all. He got sent every single one of Skeppys videos. Even some that he didn't wish to see.

At first he denied it. How could he be in love with that troll!

But he slowly realized just how much he loved him. He loved the way he'd cover his mouth when he laughed, his beautiful smile, you could hear it in his voice, even if he didn't have a face cam on, the way he would always fake-beg him for things,

Sometimes he wished he'd really beg him, down on his knees, so pr- nope nope nope nope stop that train of thought.

"Bad?" Skeppy asked, snapping Bad out of his trance.

"Yeah?" Bad asked, not knowing how long he had gone off into a daze about...um... a thick layer of blush coated his face nonetheless.

"Are we...gonna record a video?" 

"Oh! Sure!" Bad said happily. Well, half happily.

His heart ached, he longed to be in the younger's  arms,  warm and safe. Skeppy was his best friend, but he wanted more sometimes, like ice cream dates and morning cuddles, the domestic smell of fresh eggs in the morning, wrapping his hands around his waist and leaning over to see what disaster Zak was trying to cook for him.


They got onto the smp, where Dream, George, Tubbo, and Tommy were on already.

 They joined back to back, and with quite a few online, the members of the smp had quite a bit to say.

<Tubbo_> Hey smeppy!

<Tubbo_> Skeppy*

<Quackity> did you have a fun make out section [:

<FoolishG> Yeah they did, I watched


 Skeppy chuckled a bit.

 Skeppy was so cute when he laughed..

"Hey, Zak, I thought you said we gonna record a video?" He didn't mind being in a call with the younger, no persona on- even if his persona was quite similar to his person anyways- but when they recorded a video it was easier to distract himself from the heated butterflies that swarmed his stomach.

"We are recording a video" Skeppy said, smirking


Skeppy just laughed.


After The Video


Though the video was over, Skeppy couldn't bring himself to exit the TeamSpeak.

"So..." Skeppy said, breaking the silence. "What do you wanna do now."

Bad himself didn't want to stop talking to Skeppy either, but he was soon to get a video of Skeppys Video onto his phone soon. He didn't want Skeppy to notice and put together the pieces.

"I- um, I got some stuff to do" He hovered over the exit button, waiting for Skeppys response to confirm his leave.

"Ok! Bye I love youuuu" Skeppy said teasingly.

Though it was something the two exchanged quite often, it still brought heat to the older's face every time he said it.

"Bye you muffin-head."

(Like my edits 🥵🥵🥵- LMAOOO)

[Word count: 651]

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