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It's Saturday, two things today, a date and a meeting. I go find an outfit. I put on jeans, a black cami and converse. I brush my hair and do light make up. I put a leather jacket on. I go down to the common room and spot Cedric. He walks over. "You look amazing" said Cedric. "So do you. So, this is your last year" I said. "It is. I'm gonna miss this place" said Cedric. "It's always your home" I said. "It is" said Cedric. 

We have breakfast and Draco nods at us. I catch him staring at Hermione. I smirk. "I think Draco likes Hermione" I said. "Really?" asked Cedric. I nod. "Yeah" I said. We finish eating and begin the walk down to the village. I glance at Cedric. "Will Cho be at the meeting?" I ask. "I have no idea. I never asked before we broke up" said Cedric. I nod. "Well, if she is, we don't have to um... announce it" I said. "What if we just act like this and let her decide what we are." said Cedric. "I like the way you think" I said. We go to the Three Broomsticks and get two butterbeers. 

"I know this is sudden but what will happen when I graduate?" asked Cedric. "Long distance and oh I don't know, summer. I only have two years left, we can do this" I said. "Your right, we can" said Cedric. Eventually it's time for the meeting. We head to Hogs Head and walk inside. We sit down and Hermione stands up. "I know you all hate Umbridge and think she is not teaching us the proper stuff since Voldemort is back. So, Harry will teach us" said Hermione. Everyone gets coin and signs. Cho rushes out. "I guess she isn't happy" said Harry. I laugh. "Hey guys" said Hermione. Cedric walks over and places his hand on my shoulder. "Hey Hermione, Harry and Ron" said Cedric. "What's up with Cho?" asked Ron. "I broke up with her, she was being mean about Melody" said Cedric. "Oh, right." said Hermione. We leave and head back to the castle. We go to the courtyard and sit under a tree. "Your friends with the Slytherins?" asked Cedric. "Usually no, but we do talk. I think they took a liking to me since I'm quiet and stuff" I said. "Maybe that's a good thing" said Cedric. "Maybe but I do know if you hurt me they'll hurt you" I said, smiling. "I won't hurt you" said Cedric. "Good" I said.

"Hey Melody" said Pansy. "Hi, Pansy" I said. "You two look cute together" said Pansy. "Thanks" I said. She leaves and I stand up. "Maybe it's time to go to dinner?" I ask. We head to the Great Hall. We sit down and dig in. I smile and then we head back to our common room. I sit on the sofa and take out my homework. "Homework, shit" said Cedric. "Your doing your NEWTs!" I said. "I know" said Cedric. "So study" I said. "OK, bossy pants" said Cedric. I laugh and we get to work. 

Once it reaches 10pm, I decide to go to bed. I lie under the covers and fall asleep.

Today was good!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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