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I wake up and stretch. It's Monday and the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army. I rub at my face and put on my uniform. I go down for breakfast and settle down. People are talking to each other. I take a bite of my sausage and a sip of pumpkin juice. I stand up and go to class. Pansy waves and goes to her class. It was weird how me and Pansy became friends. Basically in my 2 second year, a random Slytherin was bullying me and I was just standing there taking it. Pansy came over and basically punched him. Of course, we didn't become fast friends but we started studying together and eventually we became friends. 

I go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts and settle down. I lean forward and read the book. Umbridge talks shit and I just roll my eyes. Cedric looks at me and smiles. Umbridge slaps a book onto her table. "Stop flirting, Diggory and McGonagall" said Umbridge. Once it ends, I walk out. "She is a piece of work" said Cedric. "You think?" I said. Cedric just shrugs. "She's certainly not nice" I said. "No, she isn't" said Cedric. I rub my thighs when I walk into Transfiguration. I smile at mum and she smiles back. She begins teaching and I smile. She is so passionate about her job and I admire that about her. She's my idol. Mom is smirking. 

Once she finishes class, I head to lunch. I sit down on the bench beside Cedric and he smiles at me. "So, the yoke tonight" said Cedric. "Yeah, it's exciting. Finally being taught what we are meant to be learning" I said, smiling. "Yeah, plus Harry's great at it" said Cedric. I agree with him. Pansy walks over and sits across from me. "Wanna study tonight?" asked Pansy. "Sorry, Cedric asked for help and we're doing it tonight in our dorm" I said. "OK, I'll ask Draco" said Pansy. She walks away. I trust her but not with this. Cedric pats my hand. We have some sandwich's and pumpkin juice. 

Once class starts again, I head to Potions. Once the classes end, I head to dinner. I settle down at the table and have dinner. I decide on a chicken dinner tonight. I pour some pumpkin juice in my cup and take a sip. Cedric slides down. "It's weird, my last year here" said Cedric. "Oh, yeah. I'll miss you once you graduate" I said. "And I'll miss  you" said Cedric. "What are you doing after Hogwarts?" I ask. "No clue, maybe an Auror but I'm thinking of something else. I might work in the ministry but then again no. I think I will take a year off before I make a decision on my job" said Cedric. "Hopefully by the time I graduate, Voldemort is dead" I said. "I hope for you that is true" said Cedric. I glance at my fingers and Cedric smiles. "You look like McGonagall" said Cedric. "Yeah, just with blonde hair" I said. "True" said Cedric. I poke his face. He pokes mine back.

We head to the training and settle down. I rub my face and Harry begins to speak. Once it finishes, we head back to the dorm. We settle down on sofas and Cedric smiles at me. "This year is shit" said Cedric. "It is but you did survive last year" I said. "I did, luckily" said Cedric. I smile and yawn. "I'm gonna hit the hay" I said. Cedric nods and I go to bed. 

Today was good, but how long will this last?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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