Author's Note

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Sorry, this isn't a new chapter.

Guess who's back? Me!

Well, temporarily, at least. There will be a new chapter up on Sunday. I don't know when is the next time I'll post again after that. It might be next week or at the end of the month. Who the fuck knows? Not me that's for sure. I tried during Thanksgiving, but I was soo tired. I had no energy to do anything that entire week. I'll try during winter break.

You can leave, now. The rest is just me talking about my last three months and ranting. But if you stay, you're a real one.

So, I've been gone for many, many, many reasons. Who would have thought my last year of high school would be the most stressful one? I didn't sign up for this shit!

Anyway, had a Covid scare, got tested, TWICE, both of my results came back and they were negative each time. So happy about that! I got tested twice because I had a sore throat and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a false negative. Luckily, it was just because of the weather.

Unfortunately, the same could not be the same for my step-dad and my little brother. Luckily they are mild symptoms and their two weeks are almost up.

I've been applying to colleges, and that is not fun. AT ALL. Not cheap. AT ALL. FUCK YOU APPLICATION FEES. Honestly, what the fuck are they for? They are already getting their money from the people that attend their schools and the donors. It's like they don't want us to apply.

In addition, I let go of a couple of friends for reasons. The most fucking dumb reasons, but never the less their toxicness is no longer attached to me. Honestly, didn't think that would be how our friendship would have ended.

Some good news for a change! I performed in my first virtual play at my local community college. That was an experience. But it just reminded me how much I love writing. Also, it was great source material for college applications.

My best friend and I dyed each other's hair in her bathroom! 😂😂😂

Got to say I didn't do that bad of a job.

Also, my birthday passed a couple of weeks ago. So that was nice, and my best friend got me a bunch of shit. I ALSO GOT A WEIGHTED BLANKET. That shit changed my life. I highly recommend it. 10/10.

And I learned how to apply eyeliner. Almost cried, but I still learned!

I think that's it for now. See you Sunday!

Goodnight or Good morning or good afternoon!

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