Y for Yearning

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The most hyped day of the year had came. With roaring yells and booming cheers, everyone in the stadium patiently awaits the arrival of the first year students. Each seat filled with eager faces, either from a little kid, a proud parent, or perhaps a scouting agency. Everyone awaits the arrival of the main characters, giddy to watch what this year's new batch of Hero hatchlings had in store.

What supposedly a globally awaited event, to [L/n] 'Miryoku' [M/n] was another sour day.

He awoke after a blissful sleep accompanied by Aizawa, in his dreams. But such dream made him realize, just how frustrated he is inside. He felt as if he's stuck in a point. All his yearly progress trying to woo the erasure hero seems to stop abruptly, and he couldn't figure out why.

Could it be Aizawa had someone already? Did Shota not like [M/n]? If yes, then [M/n] is ready to abandon his identity and start a new fake ID to try again. If not, then what's this big wall separating him from Shota? Who put such wall?

There could only be two possible answer on who put up that thick separation wall. It's either Aizawa, or [L/n] himself. For sure, the [H/c] would in no way want to put up such wall, he couldn't, not with his deep yearning for Shota. So it could only be Aizawa himself who had been trying to put some distance with [M/n].

This, angered [M/n] deeply. Although he had no confirmation, nor was he sure Aizawa was trying to get away from him, the mere thought had made his heart broke and blood boil.

Which is why, he is dead set on confirming today. Although his participation in the sports tournament is not needed, since he is a 2nd year teacher, he would still come. Just to observe and help along the staff, and most importantly, look for Shota and ask him directly.


Aizawa landed his hardened gaze upon the two of his students seemingly fighting to death. One was absolutely burning with passion flame, while the other is slowly dimming with rigid cold frost.

It was a blur of shattering ice and pale orange clouds. Debris flinging to every direction seemingly hindering what's really happening in the arena.

"BAKUGO SEEMS TO BE KEEPING THE HUGE TORNADO HE USED DURING THE FIGHT WITH MIDORIYA!!" Present Mic's voice bounced around the arena, but no one seems to pay attention as everyone halted their breaths, waiting for the clouds of dust to disperse.

"WHAT IS...!!"

Once the wind did it's magic, all was revealed. There, Todoroki laid helplessly unconscious on top of the mix of his ice debris and broken cement. Most importantly, he was out of the arena, making it clear who the winner is.

Aizawa clicked his tongue once Katsuki begrudgingly strolled to the unconscious male, grabbing the poor lad by the collar and screaming his ass off. He only stopped when Midnight stepped in, using her quirk to calm the feral teen.

"AND THE TOURNAMENT COMES TO AN END! AND THE WINNER OF THIS YEAR'S CLASS ONE SPORTS TOURNAMENT IS... CLASS A'S BAKUGO!!!" Present Mic seems to enjoy his announcement too much, that he promptly jumped out of his seat grabbing the mic tightly.

Aizawa can't help but scoff again, thinking how teenagers sure love drama.

But then right as he was about to get up, the door to the MC station opened harshly, slamming against the wall with a booming thud.


Aizawa flinched at the voice. Dang, how lucky he is to just thought about the man, and there he came. But something seems amiss as the [H/c] strode inside hastily, his fluffy tail swaying with his steps.

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