Chapter Two: Family Dinner.

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The Parr family eating their meal, Their mother Helen talking with Dash from her school day, Bob their father listening to Dash eat it, Jack-jack playing it with food and Violet smoothing a book.

"So, how was your day like?" Helen asks.

"Was it good?" Said Violet, Bob and alert now.

"The last time you said that about a boy?" Said Bob

"DAD!" Said Violet.

"You make your voice say that know that, What is its name?" Said are father

"Bob I do not want you doing research on boy, he does not know that his on a boy." Said Helen.

"Are you the boy that you watch reading on a tree, Violet is going to kiss kisses on a tree." Sing Dash.

"SHUT UP DASH!" Said Violet all embarrassing.

"Dash do you want to watch TV eat it?" Said Helen.

"COOL." Said Dash who takes his plate then he goes to the living room, His mother will say something but he sees are husband ready to listen to his daughter.

"Bob's going to see Dash if he behaves well." Said Helen.

"Its a big roach he can be alone for a few minutes." Said Bob

"Bob!" Said Helen in a dark way, Are husband sigh then he lip.

"All right, I'll go see him." Said Bob going to the living room, Helen is concentrating on her daughter.

"So?" Said his mother.

"So?" Said Purple curiously.

"Yes then your father is right, about a boy?" Said his mother

"...Yes." Murmur Violet.

"What is his name?" Said Helen.

"Nick." Said Violet

In the living room.

Dash had finished eating and are father bob can not concentrate, especially if his daughter is talking about boy, he must know he's lip to watch them.

"Dad what are you doing?" Said Dash, Bob has them a surprise.

"Oh I ... I wanted to look at the wall." Said Bob, His son has as a hint.

"Okay." Said Dash, Bob sighs then he looks at Helen and Violet listening to their conversation and then sees Dash watching the girls.

"What are you doing Dash?" Ask Bob.

"I'm looking at the wall like you." Said Dash, his father sighed in frustration and they begin to listen.

In the kitchen.

"How was he?" Asked her mother, Violet felt embarrassed about talking to him.

"He is kind and intimidating at the same time." Said purple, Helen and really curious.

"Its a brute?" Ask Helen

"No Mom, he's intimidating, but his clothes are intimidating." Said Violet

"How are you meeting?" Ask her mother.

"At school." Said Violet.

"Violet, you know what I mean." Said his mother.

"Some girl my bully then spill my book he picked up my book he helped me lift up and then he left, his like that meet him." Said Violet

"Very nice of him, I would love to talk to him if I have the opportunity to see him again." Said Helen.

"Little chance that it will happen." Said Violet.

"Why do not you want your mother to talk to him?" Said his mother.

"No he is dumb, he does not speak." Said Violet.

"How does he communicate?" Said Helen.

"He writes notes to communicate to me, Even that leave me a word to leave." Said purple.

"He heaps what?" Said Helen but Violet lip then she leaves.

"I'll tell you another time I'm going to my room." Said Violet.

In the living room

"Damn, I would like to know what the note was about." Said Bob

"I know where the note is, he's in the car." Said Dash, Helen his wife he's lipstick then he goes to the room.

"Its the right time I'll go see in the car." Said Bob taking the car key to see the note.

In Violet's room

Violet listen to some music for thought but he thinks especially of Nick, he has to stay alone all his life for no friends, She lip to sit on the desk with her diary.

Dear diary, today I meet a rather unique boy, because one can not speak, it does not intersect with the other except for me but may be it will not ignore later even if it will please me because I want to get to know him and also he is cute, moreover with his scar on the left eye his makes him a real hard but I hope that will not be a brute, In my old school I wanted friends but for Nick he chose to stay alone is single and I noticed that he does not smile so my goals are to show him that his good to have friends, He also has something else, When I got invisible his as if he see me in my eyes and in addition he recognized me write a note for me.

Violet firm are journal then she goes to bed.

Violet and in a meadow with a lot of beautiful flower around her lies on the full and then she daydreamed and suddenly a shadow appeared, She opens her eyes to see

"Nick ?!" Said Violet in a surprised way, For Nick's answer he smiles and then sits on the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Asking Violet, Nick is writing on paper and then giving it away.


"No No stay with me." Violet begs Nick to stroke his head and they both smiles of fun. He started to play with the flower, Violet plays "He loves me, He does not love me, He loves me" She looks at Nick and he made a flower crown.

"Crown heap is worthy of a queen." Said Violet, Nick looks at Violet then the crown then he decided to give it, Violet she feels so embarrassing but also flatter.

"Can you help me make a flower wreath?" To ask Violet, Nick said yes of the head then he takes some flower to show it.

A few minutes later she finished her flower crown.

"I'm done, super nice, thanks for your help, Nick." Said Violet, Nick bows his head to say nothing.

"Now your reward is this crown." Said Violet bending over to give him the crown but Nick back off and say no to the head.

"Oooh, do not be shy, you'll be fine, come on." Said Violet who continues to lean just to the point of losing balance and then falls on Nick he laughed, She looks at Nick then she puts a hand on the left cheek to give him a sweet kiss, kiss to last for a second then she says.

"I love you Nick." Said Violet in a whisper, Nick's are making a heart with both hands.

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