C7 • Family

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As the Neverland workers began arranging the dining area bringing assorted dishes to the dining table. Y/N helped the female workers in serving the beverages. She faintly heard her husband call her name from the living room. She quickly excused herself to assist her husband.

"Yes, Michael?" Y/N responded, sitting on her husband's lap.

"Are you alright?" Michael asked, stroking her cheek.

"Yeah, I'm okay. What time are they coming? We're almost finished setting up everything." Y/N mentioned.

"They'll arrive in ten minutes or so," Michael shrugged his shoulders.

"Perfect! I look good, right?" Y/N asked, standing on her feet, observing herself. She wore a gold satin tank top & black dress pants with gold ankle strap heels.

"You always do!" Michael chuckled. Y/N flashed a smile at Michael's comment.

"I'll be back. Let me go finish setting up everything," Y/N spoke, placing a kiss on Michael's lips as she headed towards the kitchen.

"Okay, baby," Michael replied, biting his lips.

After everything was placed in the dining room, the doorbell began ringing. Y/N took a deep breath and proceeded towards the living room. Michael & his mother, and his father stood communicating with each other. Y/N welcomed his parents, giving them a warm smile & hug to his mother.

"Mother, I'm so glad to see you!" Y/N smiled.

"Oh, darling, I'm happy to meet you. Michael has told me a lot about you!" Michael's mother responded.

"Seems like you've made a good choice Michael," Michael's father spoke, flashing a polite smile, patting Michael on the back.

"Yes, I did," Michael said, flashing a nervous smile slightly. "Let's go into the dining room and wait, shall we?" Michael suggested, in which everyone agreed. Five minutes later, almost everyone began to show up with warm welcomes & friendly gestures.

"I'm so happy and blessed everyone is here. I'm glad to see you all. Michael, you really do have a special family," Y/N smiled.

"We're happy you've joined the family as well," Jackie replied.

Everyone began dining in their food; there were slight conversations and questions during dinner. Jermaine began observing Y/N while he ate, he finally decided to ask a question.

"Y/N, how did you meet my brother? I mean, it's only been a few months since Michael broke up with his ex-girlfriend." Jermaine mentioned what caused Michael and Y/N to utterly glance at each other before returning their attention to Michael's brother.

"Well..," Y/N began until Michael cut off her discussion. "It was just loved at first sight Jermaine," Michael added, giving his brother a stern look.

"Okay, that's nice to hear," Jermaine replied.

After dinner was finished, everyone began leaving, exchanging their goodbyes & final congrats to Michael and Y/N. Janet gave Y/N a hug handing her a gift bag. Janet insisted Y/N should open the gift bag when she's in a private setting with Michael. Y/N agreed to Janet's instructions.

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