So... uh- you might want to read this...

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I messed up.
I really messed up.
I thought I could handle writing this book and school, but I really can't.
I am only going to pit this book on hiatus.
I will edit the plot line.
I will get myself organized.
I will get this book back to the place where it doesn't interfere with the rest of my life.
Don't expect any updates for a while.
That doesn't mean I have given up on thks book,
it just means I need to stop and take a step back.
I will still be active, responding to your comments and such.
I will still be reading stuff on here.
But I will not be writing.
I do not know when I will start writing again, but I probably won't until July.
School keeps me busy, and not just because I may or may not take every music elective possible.
I'm sorry.

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