『Xiao』- Wake Up

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A/n Wake up you idiot sleeping beauty—
I don't know who to mention anymore. 🗿
So. Uh, why is this not like discord where
I can ping everyone ( my voters)- (´༎ຶ ᵕ ༎ຶ)


I'm happy that you all read this and even
add it on your reading lists! I'm so happy
Sjskdjjf. This is my first ever oneshot!
‪( ; ᯅ ; )‬, tyyyyy ♡. To everyone, the exact
14 people, ilysm and tysm. (╥╯^╰╥)

My life is angsty this past few days—
(piled up school works smh)
I hate angst when it comes to an ending.
But I love seeing my favorite characters
cry. (๑≧ڡ❛๑). Don't expect a sad
ending, dw. ✨



—Tried fancy random shits.
—Tried improving grammar.


"[Name]..., one more year and—"

Lumine, the outlander—otherwise called the ‘honorary Knight’ in order to gain access to some platforms without any other people being envied started.

"—I know." She stated composedly, and impervious at the same time. Living all her life, given being a ‘cursed’ mortal—nothing peculiar happened.

Just like any prosaic individual, her daily routine consist of—being an early bird that goes rise and shine every morning to set out and prepare for the entire day—psyche up for job quests to acquire mora's that are needed for everyday life—have a fling with fellow friends, allies, and comrades.


"You're getting and looking more frail as days pass by. Anytime soon, the Adeptus would notice." Her blonde friend had simply voiced out the facts.

Unfortunately as it is, everything went downhill in a glimpse of an eye—

It was merely last year—everyone having so much bliss, so vigorous, her, usual as ever. She didn't hoped for anything, in her whole life—until last year, for the first time ever and 3 years after meeting her dearest had she.

Was it better after all if she didn't hoped for anything?

She knew that she would reach that certain age where she would have to fall in a deep slumber—that being the case, she didn't hope knowing it would result to naught. It's meaningless.

Living for a long while—nothing extraordinary occurred. She was relieved. However, it was a grave mistake in her part. Being alleviate when she have yet to reach the inevitable age.

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