Chapter 4

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"Found it!" Lizzie told her sister as she grabbed a book off of the shelf.

The book was titled "Mikaelson History".

"Let's just see if we can find the name Hope anywhere." Josie told her as they both sat down.

Lizzie slammed the book shut as she told Josie, "We've searched this whole damn book and still haven't found a thing. What do we do?"

"I don'-" Josie was cut off by someone sitting next to her.

"Hey Josie." Landon told her with a smile on his face.

"Landon. Hi." Josie quietly replied, having forgotten about him.

"Ugh. Why are you sitting here bird boy?"

"Uh, I just saw you guys here and thought I'd say hi? What are you two doing." Landon said as he read the title of the book.

"Don't worry about it." Lizzie snapped as she grabbed the book.

"Lizzie." Josie scolded her. "Lizzie kissed her soulmate but she doesn't remember it and we've been trying to figure out who they are. She found a paper with their name on it that means that they have the same Math teacher as me but the teacher didn't know who they were either." Josie carefully kept the pronouns neutral as she didn't know if Lizzie wanted to come out or not.

"So Lizzie forgot who they are? Maybe Malivore ate them." Landon joked.

"Malivore." The two girls said at the same time as they locked eyes.

"Thanks Landon." Josie told him as she got up and headed to the study, where they kept all they knew about Malivore.

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