"Lacey Wants What!?"

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For the last couple of days, everyone had noticed Lacey wasn't acting like herself, she would often stare at random things for a long time and has been a lot quieter than she usually is. "Hey, Love is everything okay?" Marcus says sitting next to Lacey on the couch who was sitting in a Dive bombed position.

"Everything's fine Wolfly," Lacey says softly as she lays her head on Marcus' shoulder "Are you sure my Love? Everyone has noticed that you're, acting differently" Marcus says as he rubs Lacey's back softly "I've just had something on my mind" Lacey says as she smiles softly from Marcus' touch "Wanna tell me what it is? If it's something you want I can try and get it for you" Marcus says softly as he smiles down at Lacey. Lacey looks up at Marcus and opens her mouth.

"Marcus what's up with you? You've been blushing for about 2 hours now" Dani says looking at Marcus, After what Lacey told him he's been like this ever since. "Are you sick or something?" Micah says walking over to Marcus and Dani "I'm not sick" Marcus says quietly which wasn't like him. "What's going on?" Penny says walking up to the group with Jay and Zack "Marcus' face has been red for about 2 hours now but he says he's not sick" Micah says updating Penny and Jay "Maybe Lacey Said something dirty to him and he can't stop blushing~" Penny says making Marcus blush even more "Wait She did!?" Dani says shocked but not really "W-Well it wasn't what you think," Marcus says "Then is it something to do with why she's been out of it lately?" Jay says, making Marcus nod yes "Well what is it then?" Zack says crossing his arms. Marcus mumbles something quietly "You went a little quiet their Marcus," Micah says as he looks at Marcus worriedly, Micah and the others have never seen Marcus act this way he was usually the big tuff guy who only showed some vulnerable moments with Lacey "Laceysaidshewantedababyokay!?" Marcus says very fast "SHE WANT'S WHAT!?" Dani yells shocked "She wants a baby!?" Penny screams

"Oh my god" Jay sighs and Micah and Zack grab onto Marcus' shoulders "Congrats man!" Micah says "You made it to 4th base," Zack says finishing Micah's sentence making Marcus blush bright red "I Don't want a baby"! Marcus says loudly because he was embarrassed, the sound of something dropping onto the floor catches everyone's attention including Marcus' "L-Lacey" Marcus says as he intently regrets what he said Lacey says nothing as tears fall down her cheeks and she runs to her room and slams the door shut. "Lacey!" Penny screams as she runs over to her door and tries to open it but Lacey had put a spell on it so no one could inter "Damn Marcus that was a little harsh" Jay says glaring at Marcus "Boy You fucked up" Dani says pissed off at Marcus " I-I didn't mean it like that, I do want a baby at some point but I'm not ready for that yet" Marcus says explaining himself more "You should go tell Lacey that not us" Micah says pushing Micah to Lacey's door where Penny was trying to get Lacey to open up. "Love, can we please talk, I want to explain myself" Marcus says outside the door, Lacey whispers "Ανοιχτή πόρτα μόνο στον Marcus" and the door opens. Penny tries to walk in but a barrier was in the way "h-hey" Penny says sadly "Come on penny let her and Marcus talk" Micah says softly grabbing Penny's arm and pulling her away, Marcus walks inside the room without the barrier stopping him and shuts the door.

Lacey was laying on her bed in a fetal position crying while her hair was in her face. Marcus walks over to Lacey and bends down next to her and then softly moves Lacey's hair out of her face, letting him get a good look at her face. Her eyes glossy with tears, her brows furrowed, and her parted lips.

Even though Lacey was crying Marcus couldn't help but find her beautiful. "Do you really not want a baby...?" Lacey says as more tears slides down her cheeks, Marcus softly rubs Lacey's right cheek "I do want a baby but...I don't know if I'll be a good dad or that I'm ready yet" Marcus says softly.

Marcus didn't grow up in the best family, His dad was abusive and his mother was too scared to leave him and be a single mother to Marcus and his younger brother. Marcus couldn't handle it anymore at the age of 13 and ran away leaving his mother and little brother to deal with that monster.

Lacey brings her hand up to the back of Marcus' head and pulls him closer to her "Marcus..." Lacey looks up at Marcus cutely, Marcus moves down closer to Lacey and lovingly kisses her soft lips. Lacey wraps her arms around Marcus's neck and pulls him closer and deepens the kiss, Marcus gets on top of Lacey on the bed, without breaking the kiss. Lacey breaks the kiss after a little while "You would make a great dad Marcus" Lacey says sweetly making Marcus' heart skip a beat.

Micah's P.O.V.

Micah, Jay, Dani, Penny, and Zack where all in the living room waiting for Marcus and Lacey to come back "I hope everything is going okay, they've been in their for a while now" Micah says before a loud moan comes from Lacey's room making everyone blush bright red except Jay who looks disgusted. "T-That answers that question" Zack says as he fix's his seating position "Ew sex" Jay says as she puts on her headphones and blasts music in her ears while getting up and going to her room.

"Yeah I don't wanna hear that either, Ima go blast music in my room" Dani says as she gets up and goes to her room and starts blasting the song "Cotton Candy" by YUNGBLUD. Penny looks at Zack and Zack look back at Penny "Wanna go to the arcade?" Penny asks Zack "Yeah" Zack replies "Count me in too" Micah says and then they walk to the arcade.


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