Rescued from an unlikely foe

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And I've done it, this chapter was hard to write as I wanted paige to find out what happened but was not sure how to write that. But im happy with how it turned out and hope you enjoy

Peoples thoughts

(Paige's Pov)

Looking out the window, I look at all the Programs being shipped off to the Games, 'Maybe the Games will be put on hold now that the Renegade has been captured' Moving away I head towards the hall planning to finish up some paper work for Tesler still wondering why Cyrus would hide the Renegades face, his statement didn't really make sense, but he was the program that captured the traitor. Cyrus surely knows what's going on right?

Stopping my-self from walking down the hall I look back to the corridor steering to the left where Renegade is being held, letting my curious side take the better of me I follow the empty hall until I reach the locked door of the prison cell, peering through the small window I see Cyrus and the Renegade (Still with the helmet on) discussing something 'Now to find a way to get in and hear what their talking about.... bingo!) Looking towards the ceiling I find a Air shaft in the corner of the room. Back tracking my steps I find a open panel, after double checking twice I slip in, silently making my way to the room voices begin to echo up ahead. Getting comfortable I start to pay attention to what's in front of me.

(No ones Pov)

Picking up a disk from the metal table Cyrus makes his way towards Beck (unbeknown to the hidden Paige) and places it onto his back making the trapped program jolt in a fit of panic and confusion from having his memories back "Why do you keep doing this Cyrus you won, just throw me into the games already!" Moving to the front Cyrus sits on a chair opposite while looking at a screen full of names and calculations "I told you this already your not going anywhere until your partener makes the first move and I cant have you stable when that happens, hence the removal of your disk dear." Scoffing at the name calling Beck stays silent for a while trying to regain some sense of thought while his disk was with him hoping that these moments were going to the Tron version so that Tron could see what was happening. Becoming more awake Beck looks back to the silent program "You know you and Tesler are exactly the same all you do is take and take and take, it'll never be enough" Sighing Cyrus looks up from his work, "For doing this whole Renegade fiasco because a friend got derezzed you really don't know about any of Tesler's or even Clu's past actions do you? They are so much worse than what I'm doing, believe me I use to be a guard for Dyson's torture chamber." "Alright then while I'm stuck here why not enlighten me what has Tesler done first"

Lowering Becks chains so he was in a more comfortable position Cyrus continues with his work "Many a cycle ago when Flynn was still visiting the Grid, there was a set of programs that were made from the Grid itself called Iso's, although the creator thought them as a miracle his programmed twin Clu believed them to be an abomination and should be destroyed at all cost. Well Clu got his chance after he and Dyson attacked Tron and Flynn, since than Iso's were hunted down and derezzed, falsely claimed to be monsters that would hurt and destroy everything we 'true' programs held dear, later down the line it was reported by a couple of medics that they believed two Iso's were staying with them. You could guess what happened - No? Well Tesler demanded the whole Medical centre to be destroyed and every single program in that section got derezzed apart from one." Standing up Cyrus began to pack his tools up being interrupted by a sombre Renegade "I still stand by what I said Tesler tried to kill a whole section and kills more programs every cycle for disagreeing with Clu and you tried to blow the Grid up because its not to your liking, there is no difference to me"

Taking Becks Disk and placing it on the table Cyrus moved toward the door and opening it pausing to look back at the program "Maybe your right but tell me Renegade how are you suppose to save the Grid when you cant remember who your are" After shutting the door the hidden Commander watches in silent horror to the screaming, struggling, program wreathing in his chains as painful looking burned coding appeared on the Renegades arms. Moving back to the exit of the air shaft the haunted Commander sat herself down on the floor as the truth of what happened to our friends hit her.

(Paige's Pov)

Pulling my legs up I curl into myself on the floor to try and process what happened 'Tesler lied, he said the Iso's were the ones that killed everyone after knocking me out, Ronny and Rox got derezzed on Tesler's orders..... how could I be loyal to my family's murderer???. And what was happening to the Renegade whatever Cyrus was doing on the screen was messing with his programming, removing a disk shouldn't cause that much pain.' Lost in thought I didn't realise I had company until they were right in front of me. Jumping up in shock I grab my disk shakily standing in a defence position "Paige, what are you doing here?" Doing a quick assessment I see four programs in front of me all wearing helmets and the one in front in the Tron suit, 'I have to know the truth about Ronny and Rox!' Looking at Tron I know this is the only time I would get answers "Did Tesler order the destruction of the medical centre during the Iso hunt?" Shocked by my question it took a moment for Tron to reply, seeing my state he slowly puts his Disk back and alerts the other three to do the same before removing his helmet "Yes Paige, once Tesler got reports about a couple of Iso's, he personally derezzed two programs then ordered his troop to destroy and kill every program within the area to cover up the evidence blaming it on the Iso's, I'm sorry I if you lost anyone." Dread started to fill me as the final truth of that day came back to me and the feeling of loss of my only family I had resurfaced.

Having a realisation I decide to something I would of rather been derezzed for: help the Renegade. "Follow me if you want to save the Renegade" Starting to walk down the hall Disk in hand I hear multiple footsteps quickly follow me, one of the programs with a helmet on came forward "why are you helping us, your one of Tesler's Commanders" Trying to keep my anger in I look towards the unknown program "Because he lied to me about my friends deaths and now I'm going to make him regret it, the Renegade's in here" Opening the door I quickly turn to leave with one goal in mind: kill Tesler, before I could leave the female program grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug, startled I let it happen until she releases me "Thank you for helping us, stay safe Paige I hope you find yourself" Giving a small smile I walk away "No one knows his identity and the Disk is on the table let yourself out" Activating my own Disk I start for one destination: Tesler's command room. 'You will pay for lying to me Tesler, you were right about one thing. You wont be able to stop me now, because you have no idea what I'm capable of.'

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