-twenty four-

692 27 3

Macy's POV

"So where are you wanting to go from here?" Gabe asked, stirring his coffee mug with a straw while he sat across from me in the small diner. We had been sitting here for the past forty-five minutes while I filled him in on my families latest drama. 

My phone had been ringing off the hook so I decided to turn it off after sending Pepper a message letting her know where I was. 

"I have no idea," I whispered, cupping my own coffee mug in my hands in an attempt to warm up. I hadn't anticipated the sudden turn in the weather and was not prepared for this storm. 

"You could always try to find your dad? See if he has a different side to the story," Gabe suggested, asking the waitress for a refill. 

"He hasn't even tried to reach out to me, not once. I want nothing to do with him," My bitterness was seeping through and Gabe caught on to my mood shift immediately. In two seconds he had scooted out from where he sat on the other side of the booth and sunk down next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. 

"It's not about him though, he might be able to tell you more about your mom," He rubbed my arm and pulled me in closer to his warm body. He was always warm somehow. I had examined his face the moment we got to the diner, in the light, and decided not to ask where his fresh bruises and busted lip had come from. He didn't seem to want to talk about it anyway. 

"I don't know," I mumbled again, finally drinking some of my coffee while the waitress dropped off a fresh cup for Gabe. I saw her check him out for the hundredth time before walking away quickly. Not before shooting me a questioning look though. I couldn't imagine how weird the two of us looked right now. I wasn't the kind of girl people expected to see curled up under Gabe's arm anyway. 

A weird feeling came over me then and my mood turned even worse than before. Even though my feelings for Gabe were undeniable, we'd never work out anyway. Our lives were completely opposite and our families, well they'd probably hate each other. 

Before I had the chance to say something else, the bell above the diners entrance rang and in walked three guys wearing dark clothes. They looked like they were a few years older than Gabe and I, with tattoos covering their arms and some on their face. They're clothes were completely soaked and dripped water as they made their way over to the booth we were sitting in. 

"Aye, vato, who'da thought we'd see ya here," The tallest of the three greeted, slapping Gabe on the shoulder and smiling. He gave me a weird glance before turning his attention back to Gabe. 

"What are you guys up to?" Gabe asked, his whole body going rigid and he removed his arm from around my shoulder. I suddenly felt a lot colder. Something about this situation felt wrong, almost dangerous. 

"Just cruisin' ya know? Like the good old days, yeah?" Another one of the guys said, sitting down across from us. 

"You on a date or what?" The third guy asked as he remained standing. The waitress didn't come up to greet them, in fact I couldn't find her around the diner at all. 

"What do you want?" Gabe asked, ignoring the question and sounding cold. He clearly didn't like these guys and I didn't either. The tallest one looked me up and down before smirking and glancing back at Gabe. 

"Macy Stone? Out with you, vato?" He whistled low and winked at me. "I didn't know you were that easy, chica," 

Gabe grabbed my hand and began pulling me from the booth but the three guys were standing and blocking our exit in no time. 

"What's the rush, man? We just got here," 

"We're leaving, move," Gabe growled, subtly pushing me behind him and standing up straighter. 

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