Thank You!

1.2K 35 7

Hello guys,

Just came on here to tell you all how amazing you are and have been. Burning Touch, which I completed in January, hit 100K a few days ago.

My other book as well, Her Adopted Baby's Daddy, hit 6M before that and I can't tell you all how happy it makes me to know you guys read my book, and the DMs I get on here and on Instagram and Facebook are the sweetest thing.

THANK YOU all so very much. All this wouldn't be possible without you guys. You are the reason I'm driven to write more books and come up with a storyline better than my last.

THANK YOU all for being super amazing, I read a lot of your comments and reply to the ones I can. But I definitely reply to ALL my DMs from you guys because it makes me so happy that you took the time to message me personally telling me how much you liked/loved one of my books.

THANK YOU for all the typo and grammatical error corrections, things that slipped past me during editing. Comments pointing out those corrections make me so glad to have amazing readers such as you guys.

THANK YOU for all the comments, sweet, nice, sad and...I don't want to say Bad, so instead I'll say motivational. 😂 All of those comments push me to do more and adds to my drive.

And mostly, THANK YOU for being yourselves and just reading. Going with the flow and sometimes suggesting things you wished had happened in my books.

To silent writers out there, PUBLISH THAT DRAFT! I keep telling every writer who's scared of what might happen or not happen to just go for it. You'll never know what might happen or might become of your ideas if you don't put it out there. Remember, consistency is KEY. You can't just publish one draft and expect a thousand views. Most readers I know don't start a book until it has lots of chapters, others wait till it's completed. So set a goal and try to meet up with it.
I personally give myself a 6 months time frame to complete a book because of college. If I wasn't in college, it'd take 3-4 months depending on my other engagements.
So, I suggest you try setting a time frame to complete your book, that way you don't slack.

If you're worried about not getting views, DON'T. I never thought my books would get as many views as they have. Use the right wattpad tags and let wattpad do it's thang!

A lot of upcoming writers have sent me their works to read/review, whatever you want to call it. They've asked me to give a feedback afterward and let me just say reading all your works makes me happy. To know that there are amazing writers out there just waiting to unleash their power with words.

A lot of you want to write because you have amazing ideas but you don't know if you should because ENGLISH isn't your first language. If that's one of your reasons please leave a message in this paragraph.
English is my first language and let me just tell you my first book has a lot of typos and grammatical errors because it's my first book. But with time you get better, write better, avoid errors you made before. My first book on wattpad cannot be compared to my current book - Unforgettable Feelings because I personally know how far I've come.

So, please, keep writing. I love reading as much as I love writing. And if one of you guys ends up being a Nora Roberts or Anna Todd, it'd make me happy to know that another amazing wattpad writer has made it.

Finally, reaching the end of my rant. 😅 Enjoy what you do, be it writing or reading, or any other form of art or science or whatever field you're in. Enjoy it! If it doesn't make you happy, find something that does.

I'm in my final year of Computer Science and Engineering and trying to complete my currently ongoing book, Unforgettable Feelings, and work on my Final Year Project at the same time is HARD! My presentation is in 30 minutes as I write this. 😂
Anyway, I already know Computer science isn't for me. I might end up getting a job in the IT field because it'd pay the bills but it's not where my heart is in. Writing is, so I might end up switching fields.
If you have the same problem, make your money and MOVE ON!

Anyway, thank you all once again for the 100K views.

I hope to connect with each and every one of you on my other social platforms. Stay tuned for more vlogs on YouTube and more fun content on Instagram. Don't be shy to send me a DM as well. (Direct links --->)

With that said, have an amazing day.

Jane Lanett ❤️

Burning TouchWhere stories live. Discover now