Chapter 2

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Snowpaw looked around the clearing. What happened? She thought and didn't recognize the scents of cats around her. She smelled the scent of greenleaf and lots of prey. She saw a mouse and pounced on it. Suddenly, a starry cat appeared before her. She stumbled and muttered, "Sorry," to the cat. The cat was a blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes and a silver-tinted muzzle. Her eyes were wise and she smelled of ThunderClan.

Snowpaw felt like backing away before this starry she-cat but curiosity stopped her. Cautiously, she asked, "Where am I? And who are you?" The blue-gray she-cat's eyes glimmered with amusement and asked, "Who do you think I am?" Snowpaw sniffed and looked at her. "You smell like ThunderClan, you are a Clan cat, you are not dangerous, and with that size and your wise blue eyes, I think you were ThunderClan's former leader." The blue-gray she-cat looked satisfied, and meowed, "You are correct, I was indeed a ThunderClan leader. I was the leader before Bramblestar and Firestar." 

Snowpaw widened her eyes in amazement. She was interested by her discovery. She asked, "You still haven't answered my question. Where am I? And what is your name?" The blue-gray she-cat meowed, "You are dreaming and in StarClan, and my name is Bluestar." Snowpaw was astonished! She quickly mewed, "Am I dead? Why am I in StarClan?" Bluestar purred, "You are dreaming, and you are not dead!"  

Snowpaw sighed in relief and straightened herself again. She twitched her whiskers in amusement and thought, I am such a mouse-brain! Bluestar's eyes glimmered with amusement again, as she could hear her thoughts. Snowpaw smiled. Bluestar was distant with thought as if she was remembering something. Suddenly, the teasing light died from her eyes and was replaced with a worried frown. Snowpaw looked at her, concerned. She asked, "What's wrong Bluestar?" Bluestar shook her head and meowed, "It's an omen about you Snowpaw." Snowpaw looked alarmed, then worried. Surely the omen won't be too bad? She thought. Bluestar meowed, "Snowpaw, prepare. You will be a medicine cat, not a warrior." Snowpaw was devastated. Her blue eyes no longer bright with happiness, but sorrow shadowing her gaze. She smiled again when she thought, Don't worry! Sometimes a dream is just a dream. 

The dawn light woke her up, and she and her sister Brightpaw prepared for a hunting patrol. She let the dream and omen fly away as if she threw away a feather. She and Brightpaw went on the hunting patrol and she let the dream go away, not remembering it and thinking about it.

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