Another day, Another drink

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Y/n pov

It's currently 7:00 AM and your job as a waitress in a cafe starts at 8:30 you started to go and take a bath and wore your uniform and went to the cafe. You arrived at the cafe by 8:00. You still have 30 more minutes till the cafe opens.

~ Time skip ~

It is currently 8:30 and some customers come in. I was just taking orders until this guy wearing all black came to me and asked "Ms., are you for sale cause I want you". I was shocked and at the same time fluttered. I replied.

 " Sir I am sorry I am not". " Well they should add you to the menu but only for me". He replied. " Sir please just tell me your order". "Fine, if I can't have  you *winks* then I will have an americano"(Americano joah joah) (sorry , lets just continue the story).

 " Ok one americano coming up". "Jeez that guy was flirty" I said in my mind. While I was making the americano I can feel someone staring at me. I stare at the direction where I felt someone staring but no one was. Maybe I am just imagining things.

 ??? pov

Ahh did I mess up with my flirting. I have to call Minho hyung. "Minho hyung, remember the girl I kept on talking about". "yes". "Well I think I messed up on my flirting". "Did you say the lines we practiced yesterday". "Yeah but she does not look like she is blushing or falling for me".

 "Remember jeongin-ah looks can fool you". "I know hyung". "Well anyways I have to go now cause someone stole one of my bundles". "Hyung for the last time I did NOT stole your bundle". A faint Felix can be heard in the backround.

 "As if I believe you. Anyways bye Jeongin". "Bye". I ended the call and yes I am The Yang Jeongin and Y/N is the girl who caught my eye. The reason is because she does not fall so easily and I promise I am not a stalker. I just overhear conversations sometimes. Ok maybe thats stalking but I jut can't help it. I was in my thoughts then I heared "One americano". I think that is my order.

Y/N pov

I was finished making the americano for that flirty guy. I shouted "One americano" then that guy came and said "Thank you". I just replied with "Your welcome". But what happened next made me shooketh.

 "You might not know me but here is my number". "Why are you giving me your number" I asked. "Cause I just moved in and I want to make new friends". "You know there are other people in the neighborhood right".

 "Yeah but I want to make friends with a pretty girl like you". "Um ok then". "Well then just text me when you get home". "Ok". "Bye then Y/N". "Wait how did you know my name"."You know I can see your name on your uniform right?". "O-ofcourse I know" oh shit why did I stutter. "Well anyways bye for real this time".

 "B-bye". Ugh why do I keep on stuttering. "Woah Y/N you got a guy's number~". "Shut up Ryujin". "Well I mean Ryujin is not wrong". "Yuna also you". If you are wondering who is Yuna and Ryujin they are my bestfriends. But not only Ryujin and Yuna but also Chaeryoung, Yeji, and Lia.

 We all work at the same cafe but Chaeryoung, Yeji, And Lia are serving drinks right now that's why they did not tease me. If they were not serving customers, they would be teasing me to. Thank you to the people that they are serving because they saved me from being teased by those 3 girls.

Jeongin pov

Mission accomplished for this day. I can't believe my lying skills worked. Well atleast I got her number. I was smiling like an idiot. I secretly named her in my contacts "My future wifey💕". I was so excited to tell my hyungs about the news.

 When I arrived at the dorm I saw that everyone was running around. "Hyungs, why are you running?". "Jeongin, help your hyungs!!!!". hyunjin shouted. "But why are you guys running?". "Minho hyung thought we stole one of his bundles!" Changbin shouted like he was running away from a lot of dogs. "Cause one of you did!!!" Minho said.

 "Hyung for the last time we did not!". Felix shouted. "Felix I swear if you stole one of my bundles then it means I will steal one of your sausages". "Hyung why are you suspecting me". "Because-". "Everybody stop!!!!!!!!!" I shouted.

 "I have some good news" I said while removing my mask". "What is it?" Jisung asked. "Okay so remember the girl I always talk about, well I got her number!". "Congrats Jeongin-ah" Bang Chan said being a happy kangaroo.

 "Well anyways I will go to my room now". I went upstairs and thought if Y/N will text me back and how will she text me. I was so deep into my thought but then I heard "Jeongin, Minho hyung is still chasing us" Suengmin shouted. I sighed. "Wait I am coming down".

 Y/N pov    

I am finished with my shift and I said goodbye to my unnies. When I came back to my house, I cooked food for myself and changed into my pyjamas. I went to my phone and then I remembered that mysterious guy I met a while ago. I remembered him saying to me to text him when I am done with work. I went through my contacts and named him "The mysterious boi". I started to text him saying "Hai do you remember me, I am the girl from the cafe".

3rd person's pov

Jeongin was laying in bed and a bit sad cause he thought Y/N won't text him. But then he saw a notification from "My future wifey 💕 ". It said.

 " Hai do you remember me, I am the girl from the cafe". He was so happy and immediately replied back saying "ofcourse I do. I even remember you stuttering". Y/N became embarrassed when he remembered her stuttering. Y/N replied "Yeah that girl, oh and also I have a question who are you?". Jeongin replied with "If I tell you will you shout".

 "Depends" Y/N replied. "Just don't shout or tell anybody about this". Jeongin replied nervous that she might spill the tea (sorry). Y/N was so curios that she replied with "Promise". Jeongin was typing nervously but still managed to write the text message. "Ok I am The Yang Jeongin". At first Y/N was not sure so she typed "Can u send me proof that you are really I.N".

 Jeongin sent a photo and made sure he looked good. Y/N was shooketh. She could not believe she was talking to The Yang Jeongin. She replied with "Wow, I can't believe I am talking to an idol". After that they were just talking about random stuff. Jeongin was even talking about when Minho was chasing his hyungs a while ago. They kept on talking until it was 11:00.

 Y/N knew she had to go cause it was her bedtime. She did not want to stop chatting but she had to. "I.N I have to sleep now". Y/N said. Jeongin was sad that she had to leave because he was enjoying her company. "Aww oki 😢". "Don't worry we can talk tomorrow". Y/N replied. "But that is a long time without you". Jeongin said. "Don't worry you can do it".

 Y/n replied. But then Jeongin got a jinieous (sorry) idea. "I will make it if you call me oppa". Jeongin smirked. Y/N on the other hand was shooketh but she had no other choice but to call him oppa. "Fine". "Oppa go to sleep". Jeongin was so happy. Y/N on the other hand was blushing and embarrassed. "Ok Y/N-ah" Jeongin replied. "Gn". Y/N replied. "Gn" Jeongin replied back.

Y/N pov

Am I dreaming? If I am pls don't wake me up.  I was smiling like an idiot. Ahh what will tomorrow be like. I did not even realise that I fell asleep. Then she went to dreamland with Jeongin. Both wished and hoped they will see each other in there dreams.

This is my first story and sorry for the grammer and spelling mistakes.

Cafe: Yang Jeongin/I.N imagine ffWhere stories live. Discover now