Chapter 7

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(3rd POV)

After the night they received their results, they were called by All Might. (Y/N) and Izuku quickly hurried to the beach. When they saw him standing there, they shouted out:

(Y/N)/Izuku: "ALL MIGHT!"

All Might turned around while coughing out some blood.

All Might: "Who's that?!"

Guy: "All Might?!"

Woman: "All Might?! Where?!"

All Might whispers to them:

All Might: "Repeat after me. 'It was a mistake.'

 (Y/N) and Izuku understands what he was doing so they shouted as loud as they can.

(Y/N)/Izuku: "It was a mistake!"

They hear the guy and the woman grumble.

Guy: "What..."

Woman: "I had my hopes up too..."

After things settled down, All Might raises both of his hands to the two of them to give them a high-five.

All Might: "Congratulations to both of you.."

(Y/N): "Thanks!"

Izuku: "Thank you very much."

They both high-fived All Might.

All Might: "Just to let you know, I didn't tell the school about our relationship."

Izuku looked confused while (Y/N) just nods.

All Might: "Aren't you the type that would think that's cheating? I didn't do the judging."

Izuku: "Thank you for your concern!"

(Y/N): "But we were surprised that your going to be a teacher at UA. So that's why your here in town!"

Izuku: "Your office is in Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo--

All Might: " Stop it!"

Izuku looked dumbfounded while (Y/N) snickers at him as All Might turned his back and walks near the shore.

All Might: "I couldn't say anything until U.A made the announcement. While looking for my heir, U.A happened to offer me a place to teach there."

(Y/N) and Izuku realized his plan.

(Y/N): "So your original plan was to find an heir among the students?"

All Might nodded.

Izuku: "One for All broke my body with just one kick and punch. I cannot control it at all..."

All Might: "It can't be helped. If you asked someone who just grew a tail to do tricks, they wouldn't be able to control it right?"

(Y/N): "Besides, you just received it today so it's not your fault if you can't control it."

Izuku: "So you two knew that was going to happen?"

(Y/N): "It's pretty obvious my friend.."

All Might scratches his forehead.

All Might: "Well you didn't have enough time... but it ended all right. It turned out All Might."

All Might: "It may be nothing right now, but if you can regulate it, you can modify the output of the power."

He picks up two cans of spray paint.

Izuku: "Regulate?"

All MIght: "The stronger the vessel, the more control you have."

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