Author's Note: Thank You!

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I'm not sure if anyone will read this but I wanted to acknowledge where I've been for so long and thank you guys.

As for where I've been, writing chapter 7 was a challenge to say the least.. It took me at least 6 months of working on it little by little to actually finish that because it was just way too much..

But I ended up finishing it in April 2019. A few months after in August, I wrote chapter 8 but forgot to post it because I'm dumb haha.

Anyways I remembered this whole thing existed and read all the comments. When I wrote this, I only expected comments like "What the fuck is wrong with you??" Or "Please get help. This is not okay." And I did get those but what I didn't expect was people actually liking the story.

It made me really happy knowing you guys enjoyed this crack fic so much. So I want to say thank you!!

I was originally planning to just leave this story after chapter 7 and just forget about it but I couldn't after knowing so many people enjoyed it. So I decided to end it off here with a happy ending.

I hope if anyone is still reading this, I really hope you enjoyed it and the art made too haha. Anyways so yeah thanks alot guys :') 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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