Viking King

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Ritchie and Michael were doing paper work, trying to exnore Mario's and David's fighting. Since day one of bringing Mario home they would fight with eachother. Brandon and Ritchie having enough of the fighting actually invested doge the lightning bolt, with the suggestion of their demons.

Ritchie: "Brother come look at this quest."

Brandon: "Oh, what's it about?"

Brandon leaned over to his brothers side to look at the quest in question, it was for S to SS wizards. The quest went on to say an ice prison containing a dangerous man has broken and now he's forcing the towns people to host him.

Ritchie: "Shall we go do this quest? It'll get us away from the fighting idiots."

Brandon: "Say no more. MARIO, DAVID!"

Mario and David went into the twins office.

David: "What do you need?"

Ritchie: "We will be gone on a quest, do not destroy anything or else you're both playing doge the lightning bolt."

Mario: "Who's in charge?"

Brandon: "Michael will be checking up on you two."

Brandon and his brother left town. On the way there they got a little confused at the voices semi arguing about one taking control and still being upset with Lo'pho.


Ritchie and Brandon met up with the man that sent out the quest outside the town. On the way there Ritchie and Brandon did see a blown up iceberg.

Old man: "Thank you for coming so soon."

Ritchie: "It's no problem, do you mind telling us all you know?"

Old man: "Yes, I can. For generations my family watched over a this dangerous thing. Our ancestor gave up their life, by performing a forbidden secret art called ice shell. They turned their body into the ice shell that held him back. This man was a ruthless viking. He conquered may lands and slayed many people."

Brandon: "Interesting. How long has he been in the ice?"

Old man: "Around 4,000 years. Good luck."

The man walked away leaving Ritchie and Brandon at the town's entrance. The twins walked until they found a very tall and muscular man next to a pile of passed out wizards.

Ritchie: "So I take it your the person we came to investigate."

Bjorn: "I believe so. I am Bjorn the viking king. Who are my new opponents that I'll soon defend so I can go get a drink."

Brandon: "I'm Brandon and this is my brother Ritchie. Why are you antagonizing this town?"

Bjorn: "Why do you wizards all come to accuse me of terrorizing these people, that is too shallow for a king like me."

Ritchie: "So they are letting you stay willingly?"

Bjorn: "In exchange for protection I get an all you can eat and drink stay. Now I want to know are you worthy opponents?"

Brandon: "You still have a bounty on you. How about you came with us and clear it up?"

Ritchie: "We have a guild to help people like you."

Bjorn: "You are the first to talk with me, for that and the power I can fell of you I'd like to have drinks with you both. Come join me for drinking and we can discuss."

Bjorn took Ritchie and Brandon for some drinks. It started off ok, but then turned into a drinking match. They went from barrel to barrel. Bjorn was impress with his much they managed to drink.

Bjorn: "Hahah, I think you boys had enough!"

Brandon: "Hehe, noooo."

Ritchie: "we'rrrrre finn."

Ritchie and Brandon went to get another drink only for Bjorn to move it away.

Brandon: "Givvvvve"

Ritchie blinked over and managed to drink some before Bjorn pulled him away.

Bjorn: "Hahah, still have a fighting spirit. If you can beat me in a fight I'll give you more to drink, I'll even join that guild of yours. But let's take this away from this town first."

Both Ritchie and Brandon stumbled and fell a couple times as they followed Bjorn. Bjorn didn't really take the twins seriously, that was until he take a rather strong attack. The twins kept him on his toes.

The twins were doing surprisingly well with how drunk they were, they were close to passing out and they've puked already. Bjorn actually had some cuts, bruises, and burn marks when the twins passed out.


Ritchie and Brandon woke up with a major headache.

Ritchie: "Brotherrrr, help."

Brandon: "Mmmmm, head...poof!"
Brandon used his magic to held with the after effects of being drunk, Brandon head still hurt some.

Bjorn: "Moning sleeping beauties."

Ritchie: "Morring... Um, what happened  last night?"

Bjorn: "You both managed to somewhat keep up with me and we ended up making a deal to have me join if you both win against me in a fight, but you both passed out from alcohol before we could finish."

Ritchie: "So I take it you're not joining."

Bjorn let out a hearty laugh.

Bjorn: "On the contrary I am. You both impressed me with how much you drank and how you managed to even hurt me. Therefore you earned my respect."

Brandon: "Let's get home before David and Mario kill eachother or gets killed."

The town said good bye to them all, the kids even gave Bjorn drawings.

(As a little treat I'm releasing this chapter early. I'm not sure if I can squeeze out another chapter, but I'll try)

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